Unleash the metaverse and generative AI for a better brand experience

From the moment of delivery, Zuckerberg’s grand vision for the metaverse was; a single, shared, immersive 3D space where physical and virtual realities converge dominated the tech narrative. That was, of course, until the advent of the latest breakthrough in generative AI – ChatGPT from OpenAI – which brought with it an almost human-like ability to generate text, speech, code and even poetry. As we approach mid-2024, the focus has shifted from curiosity to strategic implementation. Companies are proactively exploring how these advanced technologies can be used effectively in marketing to maximize return on investment (ROI).

Thomas Peham

VP Marketing at Storyblok,

Two and a half years later since Meta’s revelation and the story is certainly gone. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to say “RIP metaverse.” Far from it. Even against the backdrop of Meta’s layoffs, tech giants like Apple, Microsoft and Google continue to gain speed in the race to invent the “next iteration of the Web.” Meanwhile, Nike now sells virtual sneakers, H&M has a virtual showroom and Coca-Cola has ended up in Decentraland. Additionally, Apple’s recent Vision Pro launch will catalyze the transition to the metaverse, creating a more inclusive, engaging, and powerful virtual environment for users around the world.