Unhinged United Airlines passenger bites chunk out of flight attendant’s uniform during crazed mid-air meltdown from Miami to Newark

  • Do you know this woman or were you on board? Send an email to nic.white @mailonline.com

A passenger bit a piece of cloth from a flight attendant’s shirt and told an “old lady” to “go back to Russia” as she panicked in the middle of a fight.

The woman was on United Airlines Flight 762 from Miami to Newark but barely managed to get off the runway Tuesday evening before becoming unmanageable.

Another passenger captured video footage showing the crew tying her wrists with cable ties and her struggling with three of them.

Suddenly she bit into one of their shoulders, tearing off a piece of cloth and dropping it on the ground in front of the shocked plane.

“Don’t touch me anymore… let go of me, I’m a f**king girl, are you trying to kill me?” she screamed afterwards.

A passenger bit a piece of cloth from a flight attendant’s shirt during a fight

Suddenly she bit into one of their shoulders, tearing off a piece of cloth and letting it float to the ground in front of the shocked plane

The video cuts to the woman, now standing in the aisle with her hands tied behind her back, yelling at everyone not to fly United.

“These people have an attitude problem and they’re not f**king doing their job. They give me the cuffs. Why do you give me the cuffs?” she screamed.

‘Why b***h? Why the f**k do you care? Why, why, why?’

A passenger told her to stop screaming and she said, “Go back to Russia, old lady.” He then let loose a torrent of curses and said, “I’ll fucking kill you, bitch.”

On the audio recording from the plane, the woman can be heard screaming: “You’re a disgrace, you piece of shit, I wish I could spit on you right now.”

“Don’t do that, don’t do that,” a male flight attendant warned her. “You’re insulting everyone on this plane.”

Video recorded by another passenger began after crew bound her wrists with cable ties and she struggled with three of them

The video cuts to the woman, now standing in the aisle with her hands tied behind her back, yelling at everyone not to fly United.

Everyone on the plane clapped when she was thrown out after the flight was diverted to Orlando and delayed for three and a half hours.

According to TMZ, witnesses said she threw punches and spat at people before being restrained.

Other videos from after the plane landed in Orlando showed the woman being led out of the airport by police.

The plane is here in Orlando and the crew is not going any further [to Newark] “Because of what happened between here and Miami,” the staff announced.

United said the passenger became “aggressive and disruptive,” causing the plane to be diverted to Orlando and a lengthy delay.

The staff announced that the flight in Orlando (pictured) would be delayed and that the staff would not fly on to Newark after all the dramas

More videos from after the plane landed in Orlando showed the woman being led out of the airport by police

“Our flight attendants did their best to de-escalate the situation and protect other passengers. After landing in Orlando, the aircraft was stopped by police and the passenger was removed,” the report said.

“We are grateful to our team for their professionalism and for their vigilance in ensuring the safety of our customers and their United colleagues.”

Orlando police said the woman was taken to a hospital for a medical evaluation and no arrests have been made.

The woman’s identity and the cause of her angry outburst are not yet known.

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