UNC admissions consider race, including in essays, after Supreme Court ruling strikes down school’s affirmative action policy

The board of North Carolina’s flagship public university has voted to strictly prohibit the use of “race, sex, color, or ethnicity” in admissions and hiring decisions, including through the use of essays.

The Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill passed the resolution after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down their school’s race-conscious admissions plan because it violated the Constitution.

In a pair of decisions announced on June 29, the court struck down affirmative action on college admissions and ruled against the measure at both UNC and Harvard University, the nation’s oldest public and private colleges, respectively.

“I am confident that we are taking all necessary steps to fully comply with the court’s decisions,” UNC chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz said at the board’s recent meeting to pass the resolution, according to the News and Observer.

But while other schools are seeking loopholes to increase student body diversity, UNC’s new policy strictly prohibits certain measures, including using essays about a prospective student’s racial background or struggle with discrimination.

UNC Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz is seen at center. The school board has voted to strictly prohibit the use of “race, sex, color, or ethnicity” in admissions and hiring decisions

In a pair of decisions announced June 29, the court struck down affirmative action on college admissions and ruled against the measure at both UNC (above) and Harvard University

The board decision at UNC pledges not to grant “preferential treatment” to any individual or group based on race.

The school is also not allowed to “establish, through essays or other means,” a process based on “race-based preferences” in hiring and admissions, according to the resolution.

UNC’s approach extends beyond that of other schools, some of which appear to be seeking ways to factor race into admissions decisions without technically violating the ruling.

In New York, Sarah Lawrence College now has an essay asking applicants how they were personally affected by the Supreme Court decision, according to Inside Senior Ed.

Harvard has too hinted that it may use essays on race to weigh applicants, in line with the court’s ruling that schools may consider “an applicant’s discussion of how race has affected his or her life, whether through discrimination, inspiration or otherwise.”

At UNC, board member Ralph Meekins unsuccessfully urged members to postpone the vote, saying the resolution “goes far beyond the Supreme Court’s ruling.”

The judges decided by a vote of 6-3 that the race-based admissions policy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) is unconstitutional

Meanwhile, trustee John Preyer criticized UNC’s handling of the lawsuit brought in 2014 by a conservative group that accused the school’s admissions policy of discriminating against white and Asian students.

A first instance judge upheld the school’s affirmative action policy in 2021, prompting appeals that eventually reached the Supreme Court.

“This is a moment of humility,” Preyer said. “For nine years, we spent close to $35 million losing a high-profile case. Why did we do that? Was that the right thing to do?’

The trustees also discussed other ways to comply with the June court ruling, which found that the school takes race into account in admissions, in violation of the constitution’s equal protection clause.

“What we’re trying to do is be proactive about this and make sure we’re adhering to it and that we’re providing equal protection,” said trustee Marty Kotis. O

A school administrator mentioned an internal audit on diversity, equity and inclusion, but did not provide details.

Guskiewicz announced a few weeks ago that the school would offer free tuition to students whose families earn less than $80,000 a year.

The program, which could help increase diversity efforts, is paid for with private funds.

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