Ukrainian President Zelenskyy urges UN to pressure Russia to end war

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday called on world leaders to support his country and not seek a “quiet” instead of a “real, just peace” as the war in Russia rages on for more than two years.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly, he said: “Any parallel or alternative attempt to seek peace is in effect an attempt to pause rather than end the war.”

He called for the adoption of his two-year-old proposal to restore the internationally recognized borders between Russia and Ukraine.

“And we must make it clear: the war is over. This is the formula for peace. What part of this could be unacceptable to someone who upholds the UN Charter? We must uphold the UN Charter and guarantee our right – Ukraine’s right – to territorial integrity and sovereignty, just as we do for any other country. We must withdraw the Russian occupiers, which will put an end to hostilities in Ukraine,” Zelenskyy said.

“Any parallel or alternative attempt to seek peace is in fact an attempt to achieve a pause rather than an end to the war, since a global initiative – the Peace Formula – has been around for two years. Maybe someone wants a Nobel Prize for their political biography for a frozen truce rather than real peace, but the only prizes Putin will give you in return are more suffering and disasters,” Zelenskyy added.

He said that when some propose alternatives and half-hearted settlement plans, so-called “principles,” it not only ignores the interests and suffering of Ukrainians, who are most affected by the war, but also reality. It also gives Putin the political space to continue the war and pressure the world to take more countries under his control.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped up his threats to the West, claiming that his country should be able to use nuclear weapons if it is attacked by a country backed by a nuclear power.

“But the Peace Formula can — again, there is no veto in it. That’s why it’s the best chance for peace — everyone is equal, and it’s effective and comprehensive,” Zelenskyy said.

He said that unfortunately, it is impossible to resolve issues of war and peace in a fair and honest way at the UN because the Security Council relies too much on the veto. “When the aggressor exercises his veto, the UN is powerless to stop the war,” he added.

Zelenskyy seeks the expulsion of all Russian troops from Ukraine, accountability for war crimes, the release of prisoners of war and deportees, nuclear safety, energy and food security, and more.

“I ask for your support from all the nations of the world. We do not divide the world. I ask the same of you – do not divide the world. Be united nations, and that will bring us peace,” he implored. “And that will bring us peace. Those who have experienced wars themselves, and those who are accustomed to peace. All were equal – that is what Russia hates most and cannot control. That is why Russia says that the Peace Formula does not suit them,” Zelenskyy added.

“I am glad that the first Peace Summit was so reminiscent of the UN General Assembly: everyone was equal. All countries that participated in the Peace Summit, big and small, had no veto, no blocking power. The countries that have been independent for centuries and the countries that have only recently become independent,” Zelenskyy added.

He said that the world has moved beyond colonial wars and conspiracies at the expense of smaller countries. “Ukrainians will never accept why anyone believes that a cruel colonial past, which no one likes today, can now be imposed on Ukraine instead of a normal, peaceful life. I want peace for my people – a real and just peace,” the Ukrainian president said.

He said the world has already seen colonial wars and conspiracies of great powers at the expense of smaller powers.

“Every country – including China, Brazil, European countries, African countries, Middle Eastern countries – understands why this must be a thing of the past,” Zelenskyy said.

Zelenskyy questioned the motives of China and Brazil to engage in talks with Moscow, saying: “When the Chinese-Brazilian duo tries to become a chorus of voices – with someone in Europe, with someone in Africa, saying something alternative to a full and just peace, the question arises – what is the real interest? Everyone must understand – you do not increase your power at the expense of Ukraine. If someone in the world is looking for alternatives to any of these points or is trying to ignore any of these points, it probably means that they themselves want to do part of what Putin is doing – the point they ignore reveals the desire they are hiding.”

Meanwhile, Zelenskyy and United Nations General Assembly President Philemon Yang met on Wednesday and discussed a number of key issues, including resolutions adopted by the General Assembly in support of Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

During the meeting, which took place on the sidelines of the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations, both leaders expressed their desire to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. They also discussed how the international community, including African countries, can help achieve peace based on the Charter of the United Nations.

“Today I met with the President of Ukraine, HE Volodymyr Zelenskyy. We discussed the importance of the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly in support of the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. We also discussed the desire of the Ukrainian people to end the war and how the international community, including African states, can support the achievement of peace on the basis of the UN Charter,” UNGA Chairman Philemon Yang said in a message in X.

In recognition of Yang’s tweet, Zelenskyy also went to X and said: “I met with the President of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Philemon Yang. It is important that during this session the annual debate on the Ukrainian agenda item, “Situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine,” takes place and the annual resolution on the situation of human rights in these territories is adopted.”

Before his meeting with the President of the UN General Assembly, Zelenskyy also met with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, where he discussed the conflict in Ukraine and its global implications.

During the meeting, the Secretary-General reiterated the UN’s full commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

The Secretary-General also stressed the UN’s support for efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace, in accordance with the UN Charter, international law and relevant UN General Assembly resolutions.

During his meeting with the Secretary General, Zelensky discussed the implementation of the “Peace Formula” and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea, as well as the importance of the continued, unhindered export of Ukrainian agricultural products to the world market.

“We discussed the implementation of the Peace Formula and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. This is important for the continued unhindered export of Ukrainian agricultural products to global markets,” Zelenskyy said in a message in X.

He also met NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the UN General Assembly in New York.

The Ukrainian presidency said in a statement that Zelenskyy praised the alliance’s efforts to support Kiev during Stoltenberg’s term in office and said he believed many very important results had been achieved.

“You – and a number of other allies – have helped unite the world, including the defense ministers, by helping Ukraine and strengthening our military,” he was quoted as saying in the statement.

Zelenskyy also thanked Stoltenberg for the last two NATO summits, which he said brought Kiev closer to the alliance.

Meanwhile, Stoltenberg also met with Guterres and discussed United Nations-NATO cooperation, including in the field of peacekeeping, and developments regarding Ukraine, a statement from the UN Secretary-General said.

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