Ubuntu 22.10 is here to boost IoT developers and enterprise users alike


The latest version of Ubuntu, shipped with Linux kernel 5.19, has just landed and promises to deliver a number of improvements for developers and administrators, while also delivering the latest toolchains for Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems.

Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth says the company is “focused on enabling a new generation of easy-to-use and highly secure IoT,” and there are plenty of tweaks and added features in version 22.10 that deliver on this promise.

Codenamed “Kinetic Kudu”, 22.10 replaces 22.04.1 and brings toolchain updates to Ruby, Go, GCC and Rust.

Ubuntu 22.10 updates

Further improvements to OpenSSH are designed to increase efficiency by reducing Ubuntu Server’s memory footprint on smaller devices such as laptops and virtual machines.

A new tool to help developers debug programs that come with Ubuntu should also help smooth things out.

Microcontroller users, such as developers with Raspberry Pi Pico W machines, can now use MicroPython, and support for embedded displays such as the Inky eInk HAT series on the Pi has also been improved.

Ubuntu management with monitoring, management, patching and compliance reporting is now made even better by Landscape 22.10 – currently in beta – which the company says will simplify home management on computers with Arm and Arm-based processors.

Canonical also says that “RISC-V processors and hardware are also supported in this release,” extending Landscape 22.10’s reach.

In terms of usability, refinements to GNOME 43 – codenamed Guadalajara – are designed to improve performance and consistency, including a new quick settings panel for commonly used switches like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and even dark mode.

Video calls on laptops will now also benefit from “a step up in Bluetooth connectivity” via the Pipewire audio platform.

The full release notes for Ubuntu 22.10 are available in a thread on the company’s website website (opens in new tab)wherever you can download the latest operating system (opens in new tab). There’s also a detailed look at the new Lanscape beta (opens in new tab).

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