Uber driver shares an emotional moment with a grieving mother

Uber driver shares emotional moment with grieving mother

An Uber driver has shared the emotional moment a grieving mother hugged him after a ride home because he reminded her of the son she lost.

James Bade, 23, was dropping off a couple in Melbourne on September 4 when his dashcam captured her teary-eyed and asking for a hug.

The tender date has been set on TikTokwhere he uploads videos showing his experiences as a driver, with the caption “This job makes me cry sometimes.”

James Bade, 23, was dropping off a couple in Melbourne on September 4 when his dashcam captured her crying and asking for a hug

After arriving at their destination, Mr Bade wished the couple a good night and the mother told him to ‘take care of yourself’.

She then gets out of the car and taps on his window.

“I lost my son last year and you remind me so much of my son,” she said.

An emotional Mr Bade asked: ‘Do you want a hug?’

The pair embraced before the grieving mother said: “The world will take you where you want to go.”

The tender moment was posted to TikTok, where he uploads videos showing his experiences as a driver, with the caption, “This job makes me cry sometimes.”

Mr. Bade doesn’t always have such healthy moments behind the wheel.

Another woman told him he needed to try harder at school while he was taxiing her around 1 a.m. on May 5.

The woman asked him what his Year 12 ATAR score was.

After telling her that he had scored a modest 65, she chided him for not doing better.

“You fucking did it,” she snapped.

“Yes, but that’s okay,” he said.

‘No, it’s not okay. It’s shit,” she replied quickly.

After a tense moment of silence, the conversation turned to his career aspects and how happy he was to remain an Uber driver for the time being.

“Oh God, well, you’ve got to get it together!” she said.

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