U.S. and Qatar block Iran from getting $6 billion hostage exchange money following Hamas attack on Israel as Biden punishes Tehran regime for supporting terror group

The US and Qatar have agreed to freeze $6 billion in Iranian assets after the funds became a lightning rod following the Brutal Hamas attack on Israel, according to a new report.

Those funds are administered by the Qataris under a controversial Biden administration deal that freed American hostages.

An official from the Treasury Department, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, informed the House Democrats about the decision on Thursday. Washington Post reported.

The report comes hours after Biden issued his first public warning to Iran since the Hamas attack on Israel.

“We made it clear to the Iranians: Be careful,” Biden said Wednesday during a meeting with Jewish leaders in the White House.

US, Qatar freeze $6 billion in Iranian funds following Hamas attack on Israel, while Biden punishes Tehran for its support of terror group.

Biden’s comments on Wednesday marked the first time since the Hamas attack that he confronted Iran, which has long supported Hamas militarily and politically but denied prior knowledge of its attack on Israel.

Earlier this year, Biden unfroze $6 billion in Iranian funds in exchange for the release of a group of five American hostages.

President Joe Biden faced bipartisan pressure in Congress to refreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds after the brutal Hams

The White House and the Treasury had no immediate comment.

Iran still does not have access to the money, which under the terms of the deal it can only use for “humanitarian” purposes, and Biden is facing urgent calls from Republicans and Democrats to freeze it again.

Despite top administration officials openly calling Iran “complicit” in the attacks, the administration has not said Iran was directly involved in planning the attacks or had knowledge of the plan.

Yet they face complex choices as they deal with regional powers. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi held his first ever phone call with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Wednesday to discuss the swirling events, after ties were renewed.

He did not specify in his comments what he would do if Iran took any steps to support Hamas in the coming days and weeks – but refreezing the money could be an option.

Meanwhile, Israel bombarded Gaza after the Hamas atrocity and Israeli troops massed on the border for a ground invasion.

Influential Democratic senators have publicly pressed the Biden administration to find a way to freeze $6 billion in Iranian funds over Tehran’s support for Hamas.

The pressure from within the president’s own party comes as the White House says there is no confirmation of Iran’s support for the gruesome Hamas attack – even while acknowledging Iran’s longstanding support for the group.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), a Democratic centrist up for re-election in 2024, is among those calling for the funds to be refrozen.

“As U.S. intelligence officials continue to investigate the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, we must review our options to hold Iran accountable for any support they may have provided,” he said.

“At a minimum, we must immediately freeze the $6 billion in Iranian assets and explore other financial instruments at our disposal,” he said. the cup reported.

Sen. Joe Manchin (DW.Va.), who is also facing re-election, also cooperated. ‘I did not support the initial transfer of $6 billion. We absolutely must freeze Iranian assets while we also consider additional declarations,’ he said.

The administration negotiated the unfreezing of the funds in a deal last month that bought the release of five Americans held hostage in Iran. The then frozen funds were transferred from South Korea to Qatar, where they are now being monitored.

According to the terms of the agreement, the money must go for “humanitarian” purposes, but Republican critics have expressed concern that they could still become accustomed to subsidizing terrorism by freeing up other funds.

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) is among a group of Democrats calling for freezing $6 billion in Iranian assets

Sen. Joe Manchin (DW.Va.) said he was not in favor of the original deal that freed up $6 billion in Iranian funds and won the release of five Americans.

Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) cited Iran’s “longstanding support for Hamas.”

It all comes as Israel prepares for a possible ground invasion of Gaza after bombing numerous targets there since Saturday’s attack inside Israel.

The White House says it is examining past intelligence and trying to determine whether Iran provided direct support for the attack, but has so far been unable to determine that. Israel also said there was no ‘smoking gun’.

Sen. Jackie Rosen (D-Nev.) isn’t waiting for more information, based on what Hamas has already done.

“In light of Hamas’s violent and heinous terrorist attack on Israel and Iran’s longstanding support for Hamas, we must freeze these assets,” she said in a statement. Politics.

“This was clearly an attack that was planned for months or longer, the idea that there is somehow a relationship there doesn’t pass the smell test,” said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the Senate’s intelligence chairman, said.

President Biden did not mention Iran or the $6 billion in his Tuesday speech.

“Let me say again, any country, any organization that thinks to take advantage of the situation, I have one word: don’t,” Biden said.

Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan said “not a dollar” of the $6 billion has been spent yet.

“We’ve said from the beginning that Iran was complicit in this attack in a broad sense because they provided the bulk of the funding for the military wing of Hamas,” Sullivan said at the White House on Tuesday.

“They provided training, they provided capabilities, they provided support, and they had contact with Hamas over years and years.”

But he added: ‘Wwhether Iran knew in advance of this attack or helped plan or direct this attack, we have no confirmation of that at this time.’

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