Two thirds of voters say Biden should make way for younger Democratic candidates

Two-thirds of voters say Joe Biden is too old to run for a second term as America’s president, and that he should step aside so younger Democrats can compete for the party’s nomination, a DailyMail poll shows .com/Tipp.

A whopping 67 percent of respondents said the 80-year-old president should not run again in 2024 amid concerns about the blunders, trips and falls associated with his age, such as last month’s fall on the US Airline Colorado Force Academy.

The poll supports Republicans’ claims that Biden is no longer fit for perhaps the most demanding and important job in the world, coming as viable Democrats, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom, want to run.

Barely a fifth of voters said Biden should run again in 2024

While Biden is in relatively good health for his age, Biden's frequent falls are a cause for concern

While Biden is in relatively good health for his age, Biden’s frequent falls are a cause for concern

Our survey of 1,214 American adults found that Republicans were largely convinced that Biden should hand over the keys to the White House — four-fifths said it was time for him to step down.

But what’s really troubling for Biden is the fact that 56 percent of his own Democratic Party supporters agree.

Only a third of Democratic voters said the president should rule again in 2024. Another 10 percent were unsure.

Biden already has two Democratic rivals seeking his party’s nomination — lifestyle guru Marianne Williamson and anti-vaxxer Robert F Kennedy Jr. – but both are seen as long shots at this stage.

In the wings are respected younger Democrats who might out-perform Biden against former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, or whatever Republican gets that party’s nomination.

Among them are Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris and his transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Biden has said questions about his age are perfectly “legitimate.”

But he’s also tried to laugh off worries that he no longer has the energy or sharpness for the job.

At 80 years old, Biden is already the oldest president in the country. Every day he extends the record.

He’s generally in good health, and experts say he may even be a “superager,” one of the few people whose cognitive functioning is decades younger than his body.

Even most Democrats say it's time for new blood

Even most Democrats say it’s time for new blood

California Governor Gavin Newsom

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

California Governor Gavin Newsom (left) and his Michigan counterpart Gretchen Whitmer are seen as viable Democratic presidential candidates if Biden steps aside

Republican presidential candidates have been less generous.

The 77-year-old Trump has said repeatedly that Biden suffers from dementia. Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, 51, has called for competency testing for candidates over age 75.

Our poll had more bad news for Biden’s re-election bid.

More than three-quarters of respondents said they should take part in a televised debate with the two Democrats running — Williamson and Kennedy.

A whopping 77 percent of voters want Biden to run against those two on the podium, polls show — an unlikely scenario since the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has said it is not planning a primary debate.

That includes roughly comparable numbers of Republican and Democratic voters.

A commentator said a Biden-Williamson-Kennedy debate would be 'comedy gold'

A commentator said a Biden-Williamson-Kennedy debate would be ‘comedy gold’

Even most Democrats want Biden to debate with his long-running rivals

Even most Democrats want Biden to debate with his long-running rivals

Among Democratic voters, Biden is the clear frontrunner, with the support of about 60 percent of liberal voters, according to a May CNN/SSRS poll.

The Biden White House has largely avoided commenting on the opponents.

That’s in keeping with tradition: No sitting president has participated in a primary debate in decades, even when facing a known challenger.

Still, Kennedy has 20 percent support, Williamson polls for 8 percent, and a similar share wants “someone else.”

Kennedy, a pro-choice former environmental lawyer, has tried to bring centrist voters to justice with promises of border security.

He portrays himself as the only viable left-wing alternative to the aging and blunder-prone commander-in-chief.

The son of Robert F. Kennedy, an attorney general and senator, has a history of promoting conspiracy theories about the safety of FDA-approved vaccines.

Williamson became a household name through her appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show and entered the 2020 presidential nomination contest.

She has spoken out against Biden and the DNC for rigging the trial.