Two rowdy seagulls terrorise two flatmates by waking them up at 6am and banging on their window

Two noisy seagulls terrorize two housemates by waking them up at 6am and then banging their beaks on their windows for 12 hours a day

  • A pair of ‘menacing’ seagulls terrorize two roommates in their home
  • Twelve hours a day the angry birds beat on the window of the flat in Newcastle

Two noisy seagulls have terrorized two roommates by banging on their window constantly for 12 hours a day.

Georgina Gray, 25, and Helen McKeever, 26, are awakened every day at 6:30 am by the seagulls pecking at the window of their flat in Newcastle morning, noon and night.

Footage of the antisocial seabirds taken by nurse Georgina shows them glaring angrily through the window, beating the glass and screeching loudly.

The disgruntled couple have tried everything to get rid of the pesky animals, including posting pictures of cats in the window and installing anti-bird spikes.

Georgina, who has lived in the flat with dentist Helen for two years, said: ‘Even that didn’t stop them, they just kicked them out.

Antisocial seagulls terrorize two roommates by banging on their windows for 12 hours a day

Georgina Gray, 25, and Helen McKeever, 26, are woken up at 6:30 a.m. every day by the angry seagulls

‘We don’t know what they want. They just sit there all day, it’s like some kind of horror movie.

“Helen has done it to them before, but they are not afraid, they come back every day at 5:30 sharp, it is an absolute nightmare.

“I’ve contacted the council, but it’s a protected species and they don’t do anything when it comes to a noise complaint.

“I even googled how long seagulls live hoping they would just die because we have dementia, but they live 20 years.”

The boisterous duo showed up at the flat in early March and have appeared every day since.

‘I don’t know where they came from. I come from a seaside town and never had a problem with seagulls until I moved to the city.

“One showed up and then the second started showing up as well. I don’t know what they want or what they are trying to do but it’s so annoying.

“They peck so hard sometimes I think the glass is going to break, I keep imagining coming home one day and the window shattering and they’re inside wreaking havoc.”

“If that happens, if they come in, I’ll leave immediately, I’d just give them the flat, they’re menacing!”

The housemates said it was “like a horror movie” threatened every day by the noisy birds

Georgina, who is currently off work with a broken leg, is driven crazy by the constant noise.

She said: ‘It would be funny if it wasn’t constant, but it’s very loud and we really don’t know what else to do.

‘I really hope they don’t have a nest. The last thing we need is more of them.

“Suggestions on how to get rid of them are welcome.”

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