TWENTY-FIVE victims have been shoved in front of NYC subway cars so far this year


Twenty-five people have been shoved onto the subway tracks in New York City so far in 2022, killing at least two while others narrowly avoided death.

Figures from the New York City Police Department obtained by revealed that with two months still left in the year there have already been more subway pushings than there were in all of 2021.

As of October 16 the NYPD had recorded 22 subway shovings this year. Since that date three more New Yorkers have been tossed to the tracks – one of them fatally – pushing the total well above the 21 which occurred all of last year.

In response to the seemingly ceaseless acts of violence, on Monday MTA chairman Janno Lieber sent a letter to state authorities asking them to ban from the subway anybody who assaults passengers. The request would expand a similar ban already in place for people convicted of sex crimes on the subway or of assaulting transit employees. 

October was a particularly prolific month for subway shovers, with at least five incidents occurring so far while there are still as many days left in the month.

There were at least two subway shovings in September, three in June, one in April, and another two in January.

Manhattan saw at least six shovings – including both fatalities. The Bronx and Brooklyn saw at least three pushings each, and Queens saw one.

Deshaun Smith, 21, (above) allegedly punched Ronald Baptiste, 62, in the back of the head without warning and then pushed him onto the tracks

The latest shoving took place just last Sunday at the 149th Street-Grand Concourse station in the Bronx at about 9:45pm on October 23.

Ronald Baptiste, a 62-year-old grandfather, was waiting on the platform while on his way to work when Deshaun Smith, 21, allegedly punched him in the back of the head without warning 

Police said Smith then shoved Baptiste onto the tracks and fled. Baptiste was able to pull himself off the tracks before a train arrived.

Upon his arrest Smith claimed he was defending himself against Baptiste who he said had insulted him. Baptiste insisted he had been minding his own business and that the attack was completely random.

‘He said he was provoked? That’s not true,’ Baptiste told the New York Post while tearfully recalling the attack. ‘That’s crazy. He didn’t yell or say anything. I was alone, just walking.’

Cops said they believed the attack may have been a part of a social media ‘knockout game,’ in which people challenge each other to try to knock strangers unconscious with single punches.

Baptiste issued a plea to New York City Mayor Adams to use his power to clean up the subways. 

‘Mr. Mayor, what are you doing? You’re talking to the media, you’re talking the talk, but we’re not seeing any improvement,’ he old the Post. ‘People don’t feel safe in New York.’

Lamale McRae, 41, randomly charged across the platform and knocked 32-year-old David Martin down into the tracks

Lamale McRae, 41, as arrested on Monday, and his relatives described him as mentally unwell. He previously served 20 years in jail for attempted murder

Two days prior on October 21, 32-year-old David Martin was walking down the Wyckoff and Myrtle Avenue subway station in Brooklyn when Lamale McRae, 41, randomly charged across the platform and knocked him down into the tracks.

The attack was caught in a terrifying video which showed McRae – a career criminal who had served 20 years in jail for attempted murder – calmly placing his bag down on the subway before launching himself after Martin and then fleeing.

Martin is now suffering from a broken collarbone and a swollen face. His mother revealed that he is traumatized to the point of being suicidal, telling the Post that Martin is so disturbed by the attack that she had to take a knife away from him to prevent him from hurting himself.  

‘Mentally I don’t know how to even get through this,’ she told ABC News.

McCrae was arrested on Monday, and his relatives described him as mentally unwell.

On October 17, 48-year-old Heriberto Quintana (above) died after Carlos Garcia, 50, punched him in the face and knocked him in front of an oncoming train

Carlos Garcia, 50, was arrested and charged with assault and manslaughter. He allegedly punched Quintana in the face during a fight and knocked him in front of an oncoming train

Quintana had accidentally knocked Garcia’s phone onto the tracks after bumping into him, and Garcia (above) demanded he retrieve it

On October 17, 48-year-old Heriberto Quintana died after Carlos Garcia, 50, punched him in the face and knocked him in front of an oncoming train.

Quintana had accidentally knocked Garcia’s phone onto the tracks after bumping into him, and Garcia demanded he retrieve it. 

When Quintana refused the two began to fight, which ended with Quintana being punched into the oncoming F train. 

Garcia was arrested and charged with assault and manslaughter.

Miguel Ramirez, 35, stalked 26-year-old German Sabio across the East 149th Street Station at 11:50am on October 15

Days earlier, footage emerged showing Miguel Ramirez, 35, stalking 26-year-old German Sabio across the East 149th Street Station at 11:50am on October 15.

Ramirez – wide-eyed and with unkempt hair – then suddenly lunged after Sabio and pushed him into the path of an oncoming train

26-year-old German Sabio

He then fled the station as shocked onlookers rushed to the Sabio’s aid. They were able to pull him to safety before the train rushed through the station.

‘I think he was looking for someone to do it, and I wasn’t aware of what was going on around me, and that’s why he pushed me on the tracks,’ Sabio said.

Ramirez was arrested last week and remained silent as reporters asked him why he pushed Sabio.

The October spree kicked off on the 3rd when Clarence Anderson, 32, a Bronx man with more than 40 arrests to his name, shoved a 25-year-old man onto the 6 train tracks at the 14th Street Union Square Station.

Bystanders helped the man off the tracks. Anderson was later detained uptown at the Columbus Circle station after he threw a rock at a construction worker.

Anderson was sent to Bellevue Hospital after his arrest, where it was deemed he was likely an emotionally disturbed person, according to the Post

On September 19 a 22-year-old Brooklyn woman was left with a battered and swollen face after on way home from work when a random man knocked her unconscious with a punch and then pushed her onto the tracks in Crown Heights.

She managed to come to and pull herself from the tracks before a train came into the station. The suspect fled with her phone and has not yet been apprehended, according to Fox 5.

Clarence Anderson, 32, a Bronx man with more than 40 arrests to his name, shoved a 25-year-old man onto the 6 train tracks at the 14th Street Union Square Station

On September 19 a 22-year-old Brooklyn woman was left with a battered and swollen face after on way home from work when a random man knocked her unconscious with a punch and then pushed her onto the tracks in Crown Heights

On September 5, 59-year-old Xing Zhou was on her way to church when Vladimir Pierre, 41, walked up to her and punched her in the face at Union Square Station

On September 5, 59-year-old Xing Zhou was on her way to church when Vladimir Pierre, 41, walked up to her and punched her in the face at Union Square Station.

Vladimir Pierre, 41, had been arrested and released for sucker-punching another random person just four days prior

Zhou, who is deaf, fell back onto the tracks. She was rescued by a pair of bystanders. 

Pierre was arrested, and it was revealed he had been arrested and released for sucker-punching another random person just four days prior.

On June 25 at the 125th Street Station in Manhattan, a 64-year-old man was pushed onto the tracks at 2:40pm while trying to break up a fight.

The man made it off the tracks before tragedy, and one suspect was taken into custody.

Days earlier on June 17, a 51-year-old was pushed to the tracks during a fight at 42nd Street and Grand Central station in Midtown Manhattan.

The fight went down at about 4pm, with the suspect fleeing before cops arrived on the scene.

Shocking video from June 4 showed Theodore Ellis, 31, randomly grabbing a 52-year-old woman and aggressively throwing her onto the tracks.

The woman broke her collarbone, dislocated her shoulder, and suffered head injuries. 

Ellis was charged with attempted murder, and later told cops that he had been drinking when he committed the assault and didn’t mean to do it, according to the Post.

Shocking video from June 4 showed Theodore Ellis, 31, randomly grabbing a 52-year-old woman and aggressively throwing her onto the tracks

In April a 24-year-old narrowly avoided disaster at the 59th Street station in Brooklyn when 23-year-old Ricky Vidal shoved them from behind in attempt to knock them to the tracks.

Vidal had been arrested days before for assaulting a 73-year-old man, and was described as ‘a ticking time bomb’ by cops, according to the Post.

On January 23 a 62-year-old man was pushed from behind onto the tracks at the Fulton Street Station in Lower Manhattan just as a train was pulling into the station. 

The victim managed to crawl unto a space under the platform, but his leg was struck by the train. He was transported to a hospital in stable condition.

The year kicked off with the fatal shoving of Michelle Go, 40, on January 15 at the Times Square Station

A vigil is held for Michelle Go in Times Square after she was shoved onto the subway tracks and killed in January

The year kicked off with the fatal shoving of Michelle Go, 40, on January 15 at the Times Square Station.

Go was waiting on the NQRW platform that Saturday at about 9:40am when 61-year-old Simon Martial shoved her in front of an oncoming train. 

Martial, who has a lengthy criminal history, gave a deranged answer when asked by reporters why he pushed Go.

‘Yes, because I’m God. Yes, I did it. I’m God. I can do it,’ he repeated as he was led into a police car.

Martial, a diagnosed schizophrenic, was committed to a mental hospital months after his attack.

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