TV star’s resort getaway ruined when adored $50k MG is stolen and FIREBOMBED at indigenous village


A TV star and celebrity style icon had her beach getaway ruined when thieves stole her car keys, returning to her resort at 3am.

Melissa Hoyer’s long-awaited vacation kicked off in the new year when she packed her belongings and her dog Scout into her stylish 15-month-old MG HS EV for the eight-plus-hour drive to Yamba Beach in northern New South Wales.

Hoyer, a TV, radio and online news and lifestyle presenter, was hoping for a short break before heading back to Sydney to celebrate the 21st birthday of her son, Connor.

The much-loved personality has spent years on the circuit, fronting celebrities like Kylie Minogue, sports stars Shane Warne, Roger Federer and Ian Thorpe, on radio shows like Ben Fordham’s and as a judge of style and taste alongside the likes. by designer Akira Isogawa and chef Curtis Stone.

After arriving in Yamba, the commenter posted photos of a friend’s birthday drinks sipping champagne on a balcony with Yamba’s main beach and the surf in the immediate background.

Style icon and TV star Melissa Hoyer’s stolen and bombed MG electric vehicle lies abandoned in the Ngaru aboriginal village in Yamba after it was stolen at 3am and bombed.

Hoyer with a test drive of the MG HS Plus EV he bought last year and fell in love with, taking it on an 8.5 hour drive to Yamba only to have his keys and then the car itself stolen

Showbiz and style personality Melissa Hoyer (above with Kylie Minogue) left for a much-anticipated break from her busy career in Yamba, staying at The Surfy luxury hotel, where her car was stolen and set on fire.

Yamba police are still investigating who stole Hoyer’s MG EV vehicle and drove it four minutes from his hotel at around 3am on January 7 and shelled it in a field near Ngaru village.

Hoyer posted another photo of the waves with the words “Room with a view.” I loved this place so much last January, I booked it as soon as I left last time’, taken from The Surf, Yamba’s ‘free-thinking’ luxury resort hotel with pool, covered parking and terrace with panoramic views.

Hoyer enjoyed several carefree days at the beach before his car keys were stolen on January 6, and he arranged to have his spare key sent via express mail to Yamba.

The thieves returned at 3 am on January 7 and stole the car, Hoyer later posted, “everything captured on security cameras.”

‘And I took my little 15-month-old MG and burned it, leaving it outside the indigenous Ngaru village. Whoever they are, what complete and utter jerks.

‘The crime surges in so many regional areas across the country are mind boggling and having had 2 interviews with the police they seem to have resigned themselves to the fact that it has become the norm.

‘So what was going to be my last day here before driving back for my son’s 21st has been a day of insurance claims, finding a rental car and police interviews. Wow!

However, Hoyer admonished his resort, posting ‘with a series of burglaries, a boom gate or secure garage door wouldn’t stray @thesurfyamba ??’

Melissa Hoyer is a beloved lifestyle and news presenter on television, radio and online, having appeared over the years with stars such as Shane Warne (left) and Roger Federer (right) over the course of her career. .

Burnt remains of Hoyer’s beloved car, the license plate and MG plate of the vehicle stolen from his resort and abandoned on the outskirts of the indigenous Ngaru village, four minutes away in Yamba.

Melissa Hoyer warmed to the resort, but after her traumatic experience she admonished the luxury hotel, saying on Instagram that after “a series of break-ins, a boom gate or secure garage door wouldn’t miss @thesurfyamba.”

Melissa Hoyer’s beloved MG HS EV is a burnt-out mess after being stolen from her resort parking lot and driven four minutes to the Ngaru Indian mission and set on fire by unknown thieves.

Hoyer received a phone call from the Yamba police at 5:30am on 7 January reporting that ‘my car had been burned to the ground outside the Ngaru village mission’.

Located next to the 1.6 km long Pippi Beach, next to traditional Aboriginal land sites, Ngaru Village, also known as the Birrigan Gargle Local Aboriginal Land Council, is a four-minute drive from The hotel. Surf.

He has a history of delinquency, drug and alcohol problems due to unemployment, transportation and housing problems.

A 2012 ABC TV report described the difference between Yamba’s ‘beachfront road lined with luxury holiday units’ and the village houses with broken windows, graffiti-covered walls set on a rutted road.

Upon being informed of the fate of her car, Hoyer wrote on Instagram: “Happy holidays, how much more ‘resilience’ can this girl muster?

Melissa Hoyer (left with Ben Fordham) and (right with Curtis Stone) took a well-deserved break from their careers on the celebrity and style circuit to relax in Yamba, where the carjacking took place.

“I thought this short break was going to take the shit out of the last few years of shit, but adversity makes you strong, supposedly.

“It’s funny, I cried a lot before, not because of the actual car (which I loved, but it’s just a ‘thing’), but because of the fact that it’s a totally unnecessary and terrifying violation of you and the stuff you’ve got ready. to

‘And I know that anyone who’s been mugged, robbed or anything like that (me too!) will know exactly what I mean.’

While arranging a rental car to rush back to Sydney to celebrate his son’s 21st birthday, Hoyer received many sympathetic comments and condolences, with one person saying they heard sirens and others warning criminals and car thieves.

Melissa Hoyer took it easy, rented a car and headed home (left) with dog Scout in the back, returning to her normal Sydney chic a few days later (right)

Hoyer responded: ‘Thank you so much to everyone who has been in touch, so lucky to have a really lovely community in life and here on this crazy platform.

‘I’ll be coming home, not exactly with a Christmas glow, but I’d still come back. . . Nothing will stop me.

NSW Police confirmed they ‘attended a vehicle fire’ on 7 January in Rocky Laurie Drive, Yamba about the ‘MG (which) had been stolen from a Yamba address.

‘No person has been arrested/charged. Investigations are ongoing.

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