Tucker Carlson is considering hosting his OWN 2024 debate – with Trump

Tucker Carlson considers hosting his OWN 2024 debate – with Trump: Can the ousted Fox News host make his comeback in the White House race after Donald threatened to withdraw from GOP forums

  • Fox News Channel’s ousted host Tucker Carlson has hosted his own 2024 Republican primary, The Washington Post reported Thursday
  • What Carlson threw would be an unsanctioned debate outside the Republican National Committee debate system
  • He reportedly brought the idea to former President Donald Trump, the current GOP frontrunner, who said he would be interested in participating

Tucker Carlson, the ousted Fox News Channel host, has hosted his own 2024 Republican primary — and has spoken with former President Donald Trump about creating a candidates forum.

The Washington Post reports this on Thursday about what Carlson might do next — writing that he’d be willing to walk away from the millions of dollars still owed to him in his Fox contract to lend a hand in the 2024 election cycle.

What Carlson threw would be an unsanctioned debate outside the Republican National Committee debate system.

“He can go straight to the candidates, stream it live, invite the networks, but keep control of the process,” a source told The Post.

Carlson could potentially get Trump to participate, as the distant front-runner is reportedly already considering skipping the first and second official primary debates — the first of which is sponsored by Carlson’s former network, Fox.

Expelled Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson (left) has hosted his own 2024 Republican primary — and has spoken with former President Donald Trump (right) about setting up a candidates forum

Then-candidate Donald Trump (center) participated in all but one Republican primary debates in 2016 alongside (from left) Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz, and Governor John Kasich

On Tuesday, That reports the New York Times that Trump does not want to put any of his main opponents on an equal footing with him, and that he could therefore avoid the debates, despite participating in all but one of the debates during the 2016 cycle.

The first GOP primary debate was scheduled to take place in August in Milwaukee, with a second scheduled for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

The polling average of Real Clear Politics Trump has 29.2 percentage points over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has yet to officially enter the race.

“I’m too many points ahead,” Trump said, according to a Times source.

One person familiar with Trump’s thinking explained, “In his mind, there aren’t enough candidates polling close enough to him. And that if he’s having a debate this early with candidates voting in the single digits, there’s no benefit to him.”

That said, The Post reported that Trump said he was interested in a potential candidate forum hosted by Carlson.

The two men have recently exchanged compliments, despite reports of the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against Fox showing that Carlson was reportedly delighted that Trump would soon leave office after losing the 2020 election.

“We are very, very close to ignoring Trump most nights. I really can’t wait,” Carlson allegedly said of Trump, according to the lawsuit. “I hate him passionately,” the Fox host had texted his producer Alex Pfeiffer on Jan. 4, 2021, the suit said.

When Carlson’s posts were released, a Fox spokesperson said Dominion added incorrect quotes.

“Thanks to today’s charges, Dominion has once again been caught in the act of using more distortions and misinformation in their public relations campaign to defame FOX News and trample on free speech and freedom of the press,” a Fox spokesperson said. “We already know they will say and do anything to try and win this case, but to twist quotes and even misattribute them to the highest levels of our company is truly unimaginable.”

Trump seemingly brushed it off and played nice and did a sit-down interview with Carlson last month.

Carlson introduced portions of the interview telling audiences he found Trump “moderate, sensible and wise” and said they would find Trump’s description of a Mar-a-Lago meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping “remarkably nuanced and even-tempered” . beloved.’

Later in April, Trump had nothing but kind words to say about Carlson’s firing after Fox News.

‘Well, I’m shocked. I am surprised,” said the former president. “He’s a very good person, a very good man and very talented, as you know, and he had very high ratings.”

“I don’t know if it was voluntary or if someone got fired, but I think Tucker has been great,” Trump continued. “He’s been great to me—particularly the last year or so.”

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