Tucker Carlson hits back at liberal TV reporters who blamed HIM for Colorado shooting


Tucker Carlson has used his Fox News show of the same name to take down a group of liberal TV reporters who he claims used their reports to “blame right-wing media” for “radicalizing” the gunman of the gay bar in Colorado Springs.

“This is a man who has been radicalized by this show and by the Twitter account Libs or TikTok to hate transgender people and that’s why this man walked into a bar, a gay bar, with a gun, and started killing people,” said Carlson, tongue firmly in cheek during Wednesday night’s monologue.

He was able to mock lightly because a request emerged earlier in the day from 22-year-old Anderson Lee Aldrich’s lawyers to be referred to with she/they pronouns, as they are said to be non-binary.

CNN shook the news to stunned silence before reporting on the shootings and Aldrich’s alleged involvement using male pronouns.

Tucker Carlson used his monologue on his show to name liberal TV reporters who had accused him and Fox News of fueling anti-LGBTQ sentiment

Carlson then illustrated how the left-wing media blamed the right for the tragedy that had occurred.

“It’s a campaign driven by members of Congress and conservative influencers on social media, as well as the right’s most favored TV network, Fox News,” said MSNBC political reporter Nicolle Wallace. “You’ve spewed anti-LGBTQ rhetoric during most viewing hours on Fox News in a regular clip against the US military, against gay men and women,” she continued.

It was a view echoed by MSNBC evening host Chris Hayes: “These incidents occurred in the context of conservative media personalities who feared gays,” he suggested.

Carlson suggested that NBC News led the charge against right-wing media, while NBC reporter Ben Collins reported how fear mongering spread to the LGBTQ community night, including drag nights.

“These incidents took place in the context of conservative media personalities who feared queer folks,” suggested MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes

NBC reporter Ben Collins reported how fear mongering spread to LGBTQ community night, including drag nights

Club Q, where five people were killed in a shooting this weekend, was scheduled to hold a drag brunch on Sunday, marking Transgender Day of Remembrance, which commemorates transgender people who lost their lives due to violence against transgender people.

‘Am I doing something wrong here? Here are some headlines I’ve written over the past six months. “Fuelled by the Internet’s far-right machine, anti-LGBTQ threats shut down trans rights and drag events.” Don’t forget there was a drag event happening in Colorado,” Collins explained.

“What do we do with government officials at the local level, state level, federal level, who try to inject fear of the word ‘transgender’ into school issues?” Mike Barnicle asked Sunday during NBC’s Meet The Press.

After replaying the report, Carlson was ready to take aim at those who had suggested that one of Fox’s reports might be to blame, now that he knew the shooter had identified as non-binary.

‘Do you remember [when you were told] Anderson Lee Aldrich, was inspired by hatred for the non-binary community he taught on this show? Do you remember? Well, it turns out last night we found out that Anderson Lee Aldrich – drum roll, please – is part of the non-binary community.

‘He doesn’t hate them. He’s a!

“What do we do with government officials at the local level, state level, federal level, who try to inject fear of the word ‘transgender’ into school issues?” Mike Barnicle asked Sunday during NBC’s Meet The Press

“It’s a campaign driven by members of Congress and conservative influencers on social media, as well as the right’s most favored TV network, Fox News,” said MSNBC political reporter Nicolle Wallace.

CNN host Alisyn Camerota was stunned after learning that the suspect in the Colorado Springs gay club shooting is non-binary and wants to use pronouns

“First, control your chuckle and think about what this means. What it means is that pretty much everything NBC News has told you about this Colorado shooting isn’t just wrong, it’s the opposite of the truth,” Carlson continued.

“It’s all a grotesque and filthy lie. It wasn’t news coverage. It appears to have been the most transparent form of political propaganda. And for once they have been publicly busted trying to sell political propaganda to an unsuspecting public under the guise of news. It’s not the first time they’ve done it. They won’t stop doing it, but in this case they’ve done it a lot.’

The Colorado shooter’s motive is unknown, but lead suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich faces five counts of first-degree murder and five counts of bias-motivated crimes causing bodily harm, known as hate crimes.

Anderson identifies as part of the non-binary community. ‘He doesn’t hate them. He’s a!’ said Tucker Carlton. Pictured: A newly released mug shot after the shooting and their arrest

The LGBTQ community has faced a wave of threats and violence. In Recently published research from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernardino, researchers found that reports of hate crimes against LGBTQ people in major cities increased by 51% by 2021.

Carlson admitted he was “surprised to learn that the anti-trans shooter itself is trans,” but suggested that liberal media outlets, including NBC News, should now apologize for rushing to judgment and basically saying rhetoric aired on Fox News was to blame.

“Yesterday they accused us of having five people killed. Now that the story they told turned out to be a lie, the opposite of what they claimed, they act as if nothing has changed at all. They are liars, cold-blooded liars. It’s great to see.’

Club Q, where five people were killed in a shooting this weekend, was scheduled to host a drag brunch on Sunday to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance, which commemorates transgender people who lost their lives due to violence against transgender people

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