Tucker Carlson makes a stunning admission about life in Australia that risks leaving an entire generation childless: ‘End of the line’

Tucker Carlson has argued adamantly that Australia’s housing crisis will lead to a childless generation because it is too expensive for people to buy a home and start a family.

The former Fox News host and right-wing commentator gave a speech at Melbourne’s convention centre on Monday night, where he spoke about immigration in Australia. He described immigration as “the sole reason” for the housing crisis and criticised the Welcome to Country ceremonies and the “lazy” Labor Party.

Carlson admitted he was shocked to learn how expensive it was to buy a house in Sydney, even in suburbs far from the harbour.

He said he was looking into house prices because he was considering buying property in Australia, but he soon found out that even someone with his bank account could not realistically afford a house in Australia.

“It was so much more than I can afford and I have a decent job,” he told the crowd.

“How can anyone live here?”

He said that when he asked a Sydney resident the question, he was told that many had left the city altogether or become homeless.

“I thought, that sounds like a crisis,” Carlson added.

Tucker Carlson has boldly claimed that Australia’s housing crisis will result in a generation without children because it is too expensive for people to buy a home and start a family

‘Why is this happening? Immigration. There is only one reason and that is the reason.

“But nobody wants to say it like that, because it sounds like an attack on immigrants. And that’s how they shut you up. They say, ‘Shut up, racist.'”

Carlson said he was generally positive about immigration, but that if there wasn’t enough housing for the growing population, prices would rise quickly.

“If it becomes too expensive for your children to buy a house in the country where they were born, then you are erased, that’s it. Your line ends and that’s what happens,” he said.

“If your children can’t afford a home here, there’s one person you can blame: the people running your government.”

The political commentator also touched on Australia’s history and the Welcome to Country ceremonies, which pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

He told those gathered that they had “nothing to apologize for at all” when it came to the “sins” of their ancestors, referring to white settlers.

“And yet they make you apologize over and over again,” he said.

‘I have never seen a society under such attack as the one you live in now, and for so little reason.

“Every time a commercial airline lands, every time a ceremony takes place, you get the message that you are on someone else’s territory.

The former Fox News host recently went on a speaking tour in Australia

‘And I thought to myself, and this is not at all insulting to the people they’re talking about, but this is Australian land and you’re all Australians.

“And why would you ever tolerate that? And who does this help? Does it help the people who are supposedly honored by these displays? No, of course not.”

Carlson was applauded for his stance and cheered even more when he began to tear the Labor Party apart.

He said he was astonished to discover that within the Labour Party there were “no workers”, in the sense that none of the politicians were qualified professionals.

“There is no real labour in the leadership of the Labour Party, none of them have had a job. They are all just parasites on the taxpayer,” he said.

“The laziest people in the country call themselves the Labor Party.”

Carlson flew back to the United States on Tuesday after completing the Australian Freedom Conferences, presented by Mineralogy and organized by Clive Palmer.

The pair visited Cairns, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne for the conferences, with tickets initially selling for around $200 each.

Last month this dropped dramatically to between $50 and $110.

Carlson had earlier given a speech at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra, where he clashed with an AAP reporter after she asked him for his views on the ‘Great Replacement Theory’.

She said Carlson had said on his show “4,000 times” that white Australians, Americans and Europeans were being replaced by non-white migrants.

He responded by stating that he “never said that whites are being replaced, not once” and that his comments on the issue applied to all native Dutch people, regardless of race.

“If you think that’s racist, that’s your problem,” Carlson said.

“It’s completely honest and real, not racist or scary, it’s factually true – it’s not a theory, it’s a fact.”

Carlson became irritated when the reporter subsequently linked his discussion of the Great Replacement Theory to a racially motivated mass shooting that left ten people dead in Buffalo, New York, in 2023.

“Oh God! Come on!” Carlson replied.

“How do they get such stupid people in the media? I guess it doesn’t pay well.”

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