Try out Google’s DALL-E defeater in Imagen 3, Gemini’s new AI image generator

Google’s most advanced image generator has arrived, months after the tech giant announced the model at this year’s Google I/O event. The Imagen 3 model is available now via Google’s Gemini AI platform, both the free version and the subscription-based Gemini Advanced service, as well as within Google’s enterprise products. Google clearly wants Imagen 3 to compete with the rapidly growing competition among AI image generators with its own approach to turning words into images.

Like its predecessors, Imagen 3 can create images in a variety of styles, including the photorealistic landscapes and cartoonish claymation seen above. The new version is an improvement over Imagen 2 in many ways, particularly when it comes to taking photos of people. The company has been very vocal about the fact that Imagen 3 won’t repeat the historical mistakes that embarrassed the company earlier this year . That said, “photorealistic, identifiable individuals” are still prohibited.

Imagen 3 also brings the real-time editing options that were spotted in the code last month. You can tell Gemini what you think of generated images, and tell the AI ​​to alter them however you want. The company didn’t mention that you’ll be able to circle the part of the image you want altered, but that may come later. Imagen 3 is integrated into Gemini, starting in English, with more languages ​​coming. Imagen 3 should be a major draw for Gemini, where Google apparently wants people to default to, much like how so many people mindlessly head to its search engine.

AI Image War

Imagen 3 also continues Google’s image marking efforts with the SynthID tool for watermarking AI-generated images taken with Gemini. SynthID embeds invisible watermarks into images so you don’t notice them, but any attempt to pass them off as a real photo or something you painted would be quickly debunked. Google describes it as a way to fight back against misinformation and bring transparency to the world of AI-generated images. SynthID is another security measure Google is using for Imagen 3, along with protections against producing photos of people, violent images, and other problematic scenes.

Imagen 3 is a clear indicator of the rapid advancements in AI image creation and their integration into all sorts of content creation platforms. This is an area where Google has a head start with most of its completion. Ideogram, Midjourney, and other AI image makers tend to be standalone tools. On the other hand, OpenAI has DALL-E as a key feature for ChatGPT, and X recently built Flux into its Grok AI chatbot. Imagen 3 combined with Gemini gives Google a clear boost, but there’s no way to know which, if any, of the AI ​​image generators will dominate the race. It’ll be a photo(realistic) finish.

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