Would YOU pass the cognitive test Joe Biden refuses to take? Try it as pressure mounts on President

This is how a doctor performs the test and how a patient is assessed. To test yourself, you will need a partner and a piece of paper.

Doctors say you should only do the test with a doctor to make sure the results are accurate and interpreted properly. There is a doctor-approved self-test version you can take take online.


TEST: Write the first five letters of the alphabet and numbers (1-5, AE) on a piece of paper.

Now connect them with dotted lines in ascending order.

RESULT: You get one point for each successful pair: 1-A; 2-B; 3-C; 4-D; 5-E. No lines may be crossed. The patient earns 0 if he makes a mistake that is not corrected immediately.


TEST: Draw your own version of the cube in the space next to it.

It must be exactly the same as what is printed on the page.

RESULT: One point if it is drawn correctly (i.e. three-dimensional, all lines are drawn, no line is added, the lines are relatively parallel and their lengths are similar – no point if any of these criteria are missing).


TEST: Draw a clock, fill in all the numbers and set the time to 10 minutes past 11 o’clock.

RESULT: One point is awarded for each of the following three criteria:

  • Contour (ONE POINT): The clock face should be round, with only a small distortion allowed (i.e. a small imperfection in closing the circle).
  • Numbers (ONE POINT): All clock numbers must be present with no additional numbers; numbers must be in proper sequence and placed in the approximate quadrants on the clock face. Roman numerals are acceptable. Numbers may be placed outside the circle outline.
  • Hands (ONE POINT): There must be two hands together indicating the correct time; the hour hand must be clearly shorter than the minute hand. Hands must be centered within the dial with their connection close to the center of the clock.

No point will be awarded to a particular element if any of the above criteria are not met.


TEST: Give each animal a name.

1717627291 848 Doctors ramp up calls for Biden to take cognitive test

RESULT: One point for each:


Rhinoceros (or rhinoceros)

Camel (or dromedary)


TEST: This involves your partner. Ask your partner to read the list of words below and then say as many words back to you as you can remember.


RESULT: You will not receive plus points for this test, but for every word you do not understand or get wrong, you will receive minus points.


TEST (numbers): Ask your partner to read out the list of numbers below and then present the numbers to him or her in the correct order.

2 1 8 5 4

Also ask your partner to read out the list of numbers below and then read them to him or her in reverse order.

7 4 2

RESULT: One point for solving each scenario correctly

TEST (letters): Ask your partner to read out the list of letters below at a rate of one letter per second, tapping each time you hear the letter A.


RESULT: One point if no mistakes are made. No points if two or more mistakes are made.

TEST (mathematics): Start with the number 100 and then count down by subtracting seven each time. Do this five times. Your answers should look like the numbers below.

RESULT: Three points if four or five answers are correct, two points if two or three answers are correct, one point if one answer is correct, and no points if they are all wrong.


TEST: Ask your partner to read the sentences below and then say them back. The sentence should be exactly the same, with no substitutions or changes in words.

“All I know is that John is the one who has to help today. The cat always hid under the couch when there were dogs in the room.”

RESULT: One point for each correct sentence.


TEST: Set a timer for 60 seconds and try to come up with as many words as possible that start with the letter F. The goal is to come up with at least 11 words.

These words cannot be proper nouns, such as Bob or Boston, and cannot sound the same but have different suffixes (e.g. love, lover, loving).

RESULT: One point if you answer 11 or more words within one minute.


TEST: The similarity between a banana and an orange is that they are both fruits. Find the similarity between the following two pairs.

Train – bicycle, and watch – ruler

RESULT: One point for each match that is correct

Acceptable answers:

  • Train and bicycle: means of transport, means of transportation, used to make journeys
  • Ruler and watch: measuring instruments, measuring tools

Unacceptable answers:

  • Train and bicycle: they have wheels
  • Ruler and watch: they have numbers


TEST: Try to remember all the words you heard earlier in the memory section, in question five.

RESULT: One point for each word correctly recalled.

The words were FACE, VELVET, CHURCH, DAISY and RED.


TEST: Say the exact date, and then the month, year, and day. Also say the place where you are and the city where you are.

RESULT: One point for each correct statement, with a maximum of six points.


Add up all the points collected. If the patient has less than 12 years of formal education, a point is added.

  • Around 16: Cognitive Health of an Alzheimer’s Patient
  • Around 22: Cognitive Health of Someone with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
  • Over 26: Normal
  • 30: Perfect score