Trump warned Jared and Ivanka they would be the target of jealousy


When Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump decided to leave their lives in New York City to work for Donald Trump in his White House, the incoming president had a warning for them: ‘You’re too young, too skinny, too rich and too good looking. They’ll be gunning for you.’ 

Kushner recalls his father-in-law’s words in his new memoir ‘Breaking History,’ a copy of which was obtained by It will be published on Tuesday and retails for $35.

The 512-page book recalls his and Ivana’s courtship, life in the Trump White House and the fallout from the 2020 election when Trump tried to overturn Joe Biden’s victory.

The couple, who served as advisers to President Trump during his four years in office, were often targets of criticism for either not doing enough to rein in the president’s more outrageous ideas or for the various issues they worked on: criminal justice reform, the covid pandemic, and immigration. 

Much has been written already about the book – including Kushner’s scare with cancer, his response to the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill, his work on the Abraham Accords in the Middle East and his relationship with Saudi Arabia.

While most of the book centers on his professional life in the White House, Kushner also talks about his wife and three children. 

When Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump decided to leave their lives in New York City to work for Donald Trump in his White House, the incoming president had a warning for them: 'You're too young, too skinny, too rich and too good looking. They'll be gunning for you'; above the couple on the West Wing Colonnade in February 2017

When Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump decided to leave their lives in New York City to work for Donald Trump in his White House, the incoming president had a warning for them: ‘You’re too young, too skinny, too rich and too good looking. They’ll be gunning for you’; above the couple on the West Wing Colonnade in February 2017

Jared Kushner served as a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, his father-in-law; aoove he's seen in the Oval Office with Trump in September 2020

Jared Kushner served as a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, his father-in-law; aoove he's seen in the Oval Office with Trump in September 2020

Jared Kushner served as a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, his father-in-law; aoove he’s seen in the Oval Office with Trump in September 2020

President Donald Trump with his daughter Ivanka, who served as an adviser in his White House, in January 2020

President Donald Trump with his daughter Ivanka, who served as an adviser in his White House, in January 2020

President Donald Trump with his daughter Ivanka, who served as an adviser in his White House, in January 2020

Kushner described how he and Ivanka were walking with their kids around Trump’s Bedminister golf club after the 2016 election, discussing whether or not to move to Washington D.C. and work for the Trump administration.

The two felt they could help Trump succeed without any hidden agenda and had a special understanding of how he worked, Kushner wrote, but knew going to Washington D.C. met giving up their businesses and being exposed to charges of ‘nepotism.’

He then describes how his publicist called him as they walked, telling him the New York Times was going to report Kushner was going to the White House to lead efforts on peace in the Middle East. 

Kushner said he replied: ‘That’s bulls***.  We haven’t made a decision yet. Who’s their source?’

‘Your father-in-law,’ was the reply.

He noted that was Trump’s way of offering him a job. The couple decided to accept.  They spent inauguration night in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House. Kushner notes he was given the office closest to the Oval Office for his use.

Kushner was known for having a close relationship with his father-in-law and having walk-in privileges in the Oval Office. His critics said he inserted himself in any issue he could and had few results to show for his four years in Washington. 

In the book, Kushner describes himself as having a ‘target on his back’ in the White House and said when he complained to Trump, the president told him: ‘Jared, this is the White House. If you want to work here you have to figure out how to get people not to leak on you.’ 

But the memoir starts out in New York, where Kushner recalls his father’s arrest and jail time. It also details his start in the family real estate business. 

Kushner writes that his and Ivanka’s first date actually started as a business meeting with they were each working for their fathers.

But, during their lunch, their conversation ‘soon turned to NASCAR, New Jersey diners, and other unlikely interests that we had in common.’ 

‘Ivanka was not what I expected,’ he wrote. ‘In addition to being arrestingly beautiful, which I knew before we met, she was warm, funny and brilliant. She has a big heart and a tremendous zest for exploring new things.’

He noted he was falling in love with her but worried about their religious differences. So he broke up with her.

‘Several months later, our mutal friend Wendi Murdoch invited me for a week away with her and her husband Rupert Murdoch –  the owner of News Corp, then the parent company of Fox News and the Wall Street Journal – on their boat.’

He recalls he was surprised to find Ivanka was also invited on the Mediterranean cruise.

Kushner describes their reunion taking place on that cruise, as Murdoch sought to purchase the Journal, like a scene out of a movie:

‘On that Sunday, we were having lunch at Bono’s house in the town of Eze on the French Riviera, when Rupert stepped out to take a call. He came back and whispered in my ear, “They blinked, they agreed to our terms, we have The Wall Street Journal.” After lunch, Billy Joel, who had also been with us on the boat, played the piano while Bono sang with the Irish singer-songwriter Bob Geldof.’ 

Jared Kushner, from left, and daughter Arabella Kushner, walk with his wife Ivanka Trump and their son Joseph on the South Lawn in September 2020

Jared Kushner, from left, and daughter Arabella Kushner, walk with his wife Ivanka Trump and their son Joseph on the South Lawn in September 2020

Jared Kushner, from left, and daughter Arabella Kushner, walk with his wife Ivanka Trump and their son Joseph on the South Lawn in September 2020

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump worked in the White House all four years of the Trump administration

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump worked in the White House all four years of the Trump administration

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump worked in the White House all four years of the Trump administration

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump exit Maarine One in November 2020

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump exit Maarine One in November 2020

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump exit Maarine One in November 2020

Ivanka would convert to Judiasm and learned how to cook to ‘make our Friday nights together even more special.’

Kushner also reveals that Donald Trump spoiled his planned surprised proposal to Ivanka.

He said he went to Trump Tower to ask for Ivanka’s hand and ‘mentioned that I planneed a surprise engagement.’

‘Later I learned that right after I left Trump picked up the intercom and alerted Ivanak that she should expect an imminent proposal.’

Kushner took Ivanka to see Wicked on Broadway while his brother Josh scattered rose petals and lite candles at his apartment. He proposed outside of his apartment door. 

He finishes his memoir by noting how their four years together in the Trump White House ‘brought Ivanka and me closer together.’

‘While many speculated about her motivations, she never had any political ambitions,’ he writes of Ivanka. ‘There’s no way I could have survived my four years in Washington without Ivanka, my best friend and partner.’