Trump tells Republicans he can ‘stop wars with just a phone call’

Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)

In a statement at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday, presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed to address international crises and restore the United States’ position on the world stage. Trump confidently claimed he could “stop wars with just a phone call,” painting a bleak picture of the world under President Joe Biden’s administration, which he claimed had brought the world to the brink of World War III.

Trump also promised a comprehensive restoration of global peace and stability, though his speech lacked specifics about his proposed methods. He assured Americans that his leadership would result in a renewed American presence, marked by regained respect, strengthened power, and secure borders.

Trump blamed Biden for numerous international conflicts, some of which began before Biden’s presidency. He said, “There is an international crisis the world has rarely been involved in… There is war in Europe, in the Middle East, and a growing conflict looms over Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines and all of Asia.”

He then promised to resolve these conflicts if he were re-elected.

When Trump raised the issue of Americans being held abroad, he issued a stern warning: “I say this to the entire world: We want our hostages back and we want them back before I take office or you will pay a heavy price.”

He also proposed developing a missile defense system similar to Israel’s Iron Dome for the United States, despite its limitations against intercontinental missiles.

Reflecting on his previous interactions with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump suggested that Kim would like to return to the White House. “I get along with him very well; he would like to see me back. I think he misses me, if you must know,” Trump said.

(With input from the agency)

First print: Jul 19, 2024 | 12:45 PM IST