Trump teases a new nickname for Biden in furious rant saying he ‘can’t hit a golf ball 10 yards’ and listing all of his ‘lies’ a day before the debate

  • Trump launched a barrage of attacks on Biden on the eve of their debate
  • He Called Biden a ‘DREAM for Fact Checkers’

Donald Trump isn’t waiting for Thursday’s prime-time debate to insult his rival, or even take a look at his golf game.

Amid speculation that President Biden would seek ways to get under Trump’s skin and lure him into self-destructive blunders, Trump unleashed a stream of online invective on Wednesday, accusing Biden of fabricating stories, college cheating, lying in general and being bad at golf.

Trump, an avid golfer who retired to his Mar-a-Lago club after skipping Biden’s 2020 inauguration, also rolled out a new nickname for Biden: “Lie Machine.”

That comes after he repeatedly called him “crooked,” an insult he picked up from his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton.

Crooked Joe Biden’s ‘Handlers’ are complaining loudly and effusively that there will be no Fact Checkers at Thursday’s debate. Actually, that’s just DISINFORMATION – They couldn’t be happier because there’s no one as loose with the TRUTH as Crooked Joe,” Trump posted on his Truth Social platform.

Former President Donald Trump accused President Biden of lying, saying he ‘can’t hit the golf ball ten yards’

CNN’s political director has said the goal is to address the candidates, with the network doing fact-checking after the fact. That could be a green light for candidates to twist the facts to win a point without suffering immediate consequences.

“From the 51 fake intelligence agents, to Russia, Russia, Russia, to the fake ‘Suckers and Losers Story’ he created about our beloved military, to cheating in college and saying he was first in law school when he was actually LAST , until the claim that he marched for civil rights, drove trucks, and has a 6.2 handicap (he can’t hit the golf ball 30 feet, but that’s a minor detail!), and many more untruths: the man is a walking LYING MACHINE and a Fact Checker’s DREAM,” Trump wrote.

The “Fake Intelligence Agents” point to senior intelligence officials who joined them in saying that Hunter Biden’s laptop had the hallmarks of a Russian operation. (The laptop has even been confirmed as his. A repair shop owner says Hunter left it there, and Hunter has sued Trump ally Rudy Giuliani over its release.)

Trump says Biden “created” a narrative in which Trump calls people who serve in the military losers and losers, but that’s actually what happened. attributed to Trump’s former chief of staff, General John Kelly.

In addition to calling Biden a “lying machine,” Trump added, “Maybe we should call him ‘Lyin’ Joe’ in addition to Crooked?”

Trump used that insult again after applying it to former FBI chief James Comey and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Former President Donald Trump took over President Biden's golf game

Former President Donald Trump took over President Biden’s golf game

Trump’s concerns about the lack of fact-checkers come next WashingtonPost reporters found that he had made 30,573 false or misleading statements during his time in office.

Trump himself was inaccurate when he described Biden inflating his law school performance.

Biden engaged in a memorable showdown when he campaigned for president in New Hampshire in 1987 to place in the “top half” of his law school class. Fact checkers found that he finished near the bottom. Biden snapped at a reporter at the time, “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you,” and quickly ended his primary campaign.

Biden’s claim that he was driving an 18-wheeler was true debunked. (The White House once tried to count Biden’s part-time job as a school bus driver).

Every participant seems to have concluded that golf attacks have an incentive. In March, Biden mocked Trump after the former president posted online about winning a few trophies at his own golf club.

“Congratulations, Donald. Quite an achievement,” Biden wrote.