Trump reveals plan to steal jobs from other countries in economic speech attacking ‘cognitively impaired’ Kamala

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would take jobs from other countries if he were re-elected to the White House. He also criticized rival Kamala Harris, who he said was “more cognitively impaired” than President Joe Biden.

Trump traveled to Savannah, Georgia to lay out his economic vision, but the speech took some twists.

In 82 minutes he spoke about the double murder attempts, the debate in Philadelphia, his argument with Oprah Winfrey and exploding hydrogen cars.

“Under my leadership, we’re going to take other countries’ jobs,” Trump said. “Your only concern is which jobs you’re taking,” he promised his supporters to loud cheers.

Trump said he would entice companies to produce products in the US by threatening them with import duties if they refused.

“I’ll give you the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burden, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet,” he said. “But only if you make your product here in America.”

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday he would steal jobs from other countries if he were re-elected to the White House — while attacking his rival Kamala Harris for being “more cognitively impaired” than President Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump dances at The Village People's YMCA at the end of his 82-minute speech in Savannah, Georgia on Tuesday. Trump touched on several economic proposals, but also discussed his feud with Oprah Winfrey and exploding hydrogen cars

Former President Donald Trump dances at The Village People’s YMCA at the end of his 82-minute speech in Savannah, Georgia on Tuesday. Trump touched on several economic proposals, but also discussed his feud with Oprah Winfrey and exploding hydrogen cars

Harris’ campaign had tapped billionaire Mark Cuban just before Trump’s economic speech, telling reporters via Zoom that the Republican “says things off the top of his head that are often ridiculous, if not insane.”

Cuban then explained why some of Trump’s proposed economic policies wouldn’t work.

During his stop in Savannah, Trump said he wanted German car companies to become American companies. That conversation quickly turned to his distaste for electric cars. He did, however, compliment Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who supported him.

“Elon Musk is great. He makes a great car. And he supported me at a level you wouldn’t believe,” Trump said.

From there, the ex-president warned about the cars of the future: hydrogen vehicles.

“The new thing — and I’m sure Elon will get it if it’s good — but it has one little problem: It explodes,” Trump said. “Hydrogen. “They say the new thing is hydrogen cars. But they have a problem. If it explodes, you’ll end up about seven blocks away and you’ll be dead.”

Trump said he would not allow Japanese company Nippon US Steel of Pittsburgh to buy the company, which is currently under the supervision of a US national security commission.

He then gave an update on the state of affairs surrounding the 2024 race.

Trump boasted that he hosted more events than Harris and that he had won the debate in Philadelphia against Harris earlier this month.

“We are absolutely outpacing the opposition,” the 78-year-old former president said. “She was so bad,” he added of Harris’ debate performance, despite most polls showing her as the clear winner.

“We completely destroyed her,” Trump claimed.

In his remarks, he stressed that Harris was not entirely correct.

“If you saw her on Oprah the other day, or if you saw some of these interviews, something is going on. We’ve just had four years of that. We can’t have another four years. It’s not going to happen,” Trump said.

The former president falsely claimed that Harris had made up stories about her working at a McDonald’s as a college student.

“She lied about McDonald’s. She said, ‘I worked at McDonald’s and I stood over the fries,'” Trump said. “I’m going to go to a McDonald’s for the next two weeks and I’m going to stand over the fries because I want to see what her job really didn’t look like.”

“She never worked there, it was a lie,” he told the crowd.

Former President Donald Trump stands beneath the graph he credits with saving his life, as he turned his head to look at it as Butler, Pennsylvania gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks fired his shot.

Former President Donald Trump stands beneath the graph he credits with saving his life, as he turned his head to look at it as Butler, Pennsylvania gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks fired his shot. “I sleep with that graph every night. I kiss it. I love it,” Trump said in Savannah

He thought long about the two attempts on his life.

Trump credited God for his rescue in Butler, Pennsylvania, and said of West Palm Beach, “I’m telling you, God was looking at that, too.”

The former president also referred to the immigration card he saw in Butler when gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks fired his shot.

“I sleep with that card every night. I kiss it. I love it,” he said.

The audience cheered when the graph was shown.

Trump filled the Johnny Mercer Theatre Civic Center, a smaller venue than where he normally holds his rallies, in downtown Savannah.

Savannah is one of the blue dots in Georgia. Four years ago, Chatham County voted for Biden (59 percent to 40 percent) over Trump.

Harris visited the city in late August.

Wearing a red dress and cowboy boots, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was among the Republican politicians tasked with warming up former President Donald Trump's Savannah crowd on Tuesday.

Wearing a red dress and cowboy boots, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was among the Republican politicians tasked with warming up former President Donald Trump’s Savannah crowd on Tuesday.

Before Trump’s appearance, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was among those tasked with warming up the crowd.

Wearing a red dress and cowboy boots, Greene drew much louder cheers than other Georgia Republicans, including former Sen. David Perdue, whose loss in the 2021 election swung the Senate in favor of Democrats.

The congressman told the audience that “November 5th is a job interview.”

“Are we going to hire a woman who has been on a government salary her whole life — and abused her power?” Greene asked. “Or are we going to hire a successful businessman?” she said to cheers.

“The American people are not stupid, but the media thinks you are,” she continued. “They want to convince you that Donald Trump is all those nasty things that they’ve called him. Well, all those nasty names and all that talk almost got him killed twice.”

On Tuesday, snipers were seen entering the auditorium ahead of Trump’s visit as security was tightened around the ex-president.

Harris plans to deliver her own speech from Pittsburgh on Wednesday, focusing on the economy.

Ahead of former President Donald Trump's economic speech in Savannah on Tuesday, businessman Mark Cuban appeared on Zoom on behalf of Harris' campaign to emphasize that her economic policies were more concrete

Ahead of former President Donald Trump’s economic speech in Savannah on Tuesday, businessman Mark Cuban appeared on Zoom on behalf of Harris’ campaign to emphasize that her economic policies were more concrete

Before Trump’s comments, the Harris-Walz campaign asked Cuban to reject the GOP candidate’s economic plans.

“In a nutshell, the vice president, her team, is thinking about her policies,” Cuban said Tuesday morning. “She’s not just saying what she thinks the crowd wants to hear, like the Republican nominee.”

Cuban noted that Harris’ campaign has a “whole policy team” and when he asks them a question, “I get a serious and well-thought-out answer.”

“That’s the opposite of what Donald Trump is doing,” Cuban said.

Cuban disagreed with Trump’s recent threat to tax John Deere 200 percent if the company moved to Mexico.

The Shark Tank star explained that the end result of such a move would be that Trump would make Chinese manufacturers more competitive against John Deere.

“You are literally looking at the destruction of one of the most historic companies in the United States of America,” Cuban said, calling Trump’s proposed policies “ridiculously evil and destructive.”

Cuban also joked about Trump’s push to cap credit card interest rates at 10 percent.

“Next on the what-the-hell-is-he-thinking list is the 10 percent cap on credit card interest rates. I mean, literally, Bernie Sanders proposed a cap of only 15 percent. Right?” Cuban said. “So now you have Donald Trump who is more involved in capping and price controls than self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders.”

“And I think that says a lot about how far Donald has gone with his socialist and communist leanings, right?” Cuban asked.

The billionaire investor said he realized it sounded “funny and a little weird.”

“He’s making this stuff up in real life and everyone around him is trying to justify it,” said Harris, the deputy. “And that’s the crazy part.”