Trump mimics Biden, 80, getting lost on stage and claims Gavin Newsom is plotting a 2024 run because in speech ripping California

Donald Trump drew big laughs Friday at the GOP’s fall convention in California when he recreated a moment when President Joe Biden became confused while trying to find his way offstage after a speech.

The ex-president also suggested that California’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, position himself as a top surrogate for Biden because he believes he won’t “make it” to the 2024 general election.

Trump told a room full of Republicans in a ballroom in Anaheim, California that their state can be “great again” as he pushed into state lawmakers and leaders. He promised that “help is on the way” to save California from communism and Marxism – if only he is re-elected president in 2024.

He also lambasted a series of Democratic lawmakers and leaders in California, claiming that “rich people” in Beverly Hills “stink” because of strict water laws that prevent them from getting adequate showers.

In his address to the approximately 1,500 attendees eating the remains of their lunch, Trump said: “While California was once a symbol of American success, today among the radical left fascists and Marxists who run your state – are those who run your state, evil people – becoming a symbol of the downfall of our nation.”

He specifically called out California Governor Gavin Newsom, Vice President Kamala Harris, once a U.S. Senator from California, and current Democratic California Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell.

Just two days after skipping the second Republican debate in Southern California, Trump flew out to claim his domain in the primaries across the deep blue state.

Donald Trump has attacked President Joe Biden and California Governor Gavin. Newsom and California Democratic Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters

The ex-president got big laughs as he recreated a moment when a confused Biden seemed unable to find his way off stage

Trump appeared to argue that Biden will not be the 2024 Democratic nominee, even though the incumbent president is currently running virtually unopposed in the primaries. But the ex-president thinks the Democratic field is about to get much more crowded — and that Newsom will be the frontrunner.

“Gavin has become Crooked Joe Biden’s best surrogate because he thinks Biden isn’t going to make it — that’s why he’s doing it,” Trump emphasized during his remarks on Friday. ‘He doesn’t think he’s going to make it, and he won’t make it that easily. He’s going to have a big fight. But because there will be a lot of Democrats competing, it will be very interesting.”

“But let’s see, look, some people are saying Biden is going to make it. Does anyone think he’ll make it to the starting gate?’ Trump asked in a poll of the crowd of Republicans, to which they responded with a resounding “no!” responded.

“I mean the man can’t find his way off a stage,” Trump said, referring to a viral moment in which Biden wandered around the stage after remarks at the UN General Assembly last week in New York City.

A confused Biden seemed unable to find his way from the stage after the event.

Trump reiterated this during his remarks in Anaheim on Friday.

“Look, here’s a stage,” Trump began. “I’ve never seen this stupid stage – I’ve never seen it before. But if I walk to the left, there are stairs. And if I walk to the right, there are stairs.’

‘And this man stands up: ‘Where am I?’ Where the hell am I?’ Trump said as he walked aimlessly across the stage.

‘No, he’s terrible. You know, I’m a lot harder on him than I used to be. Out of respect for the office, I never felt like: he is the most corrupt president, the most incompetent president we have ever had.’

The Golden State Republican Party is the biggest prize for those vying for the Republican presidential nomination. But this year, the CaGOP changed the rules in a way that competitors say would boost Trump’s chances of winning all the votes of the 169 delegates.

Trump joins three other primary contenders speaking at this year’s California GOP Fall Convention at the Anaheim Marriott.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott speaks after Trump’s comments at lunch. In the evening, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will deliver remarks at a dinner. On Saturday, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy will take part in a VIP reception ahead of his lunch banquet – the same time slot Trump had on Friday.

Trump said Newsom has become a top surrogate for Biden because he thinks the president “won’t make it” to the 2024 general election. “Gavin has become Crooked Joe Biden’s best surrogate because he thinks Biden won’t make it — that’s why he’s doing it. He doesn’t think he can make it, and he won’t make it that easily. He’s going to have a big fight. However, because there will be a lot of Democrats competing, it will be very interesting.”

DeSantis campaign aides told they had heard complaints from Trump’s team that the Florida governor got the better time slot at the convention on Friday.

Before the remarks, Trump made a show of arriving in Southern California as his Trump Force One plane made a flyover of the Pacific Airshow in Huntington Beach before landing.

Bystanders on the beach cheered for the former president as the plane flew past.

During the March 5 primary, any candidate who collects more than 50 percent of the vote will get all the delegates up for grabs — instead of the previous split where candidates could win three delegates in each California congressional district.

In the past, several candidates walked away from California primaries with at least a few delegates under their belt. And now, if that 50 percent threshold is met, Trump will likely walk away with it all.

Trump spent his time on stage Friday afternoon blasting a series of liberal lawmakers in the Golden State, how he claims their leadership has ruined California.

“The far-left communists in Sacramento, San Francisco and LA – cities that are being destroyed at an absolute rate of speed on a daily basis – have given you sanctuary cities, wide open borders, massive homeless encampments, out of control taxes and rising incomes. Inequality like no one has ever seen before, Marxist prosecutors have woken up tech tyrants – they have woken up – rolling blackouts, child sexual mutilation and roving bands of looters, criminals and thugs,” Trump summed up.

He quipped, “But other than that, I think they’re doing a pretty good job.”

“Those things are all true. What a mess. How the hell do people vote for these people?’ he polled the Republican crowd, which mostly did not vote for the Democrats in charge of the state.

“I’m here to tell you that help is on the way,” Trump assured. ‘We cannot continue like this, then we will no longer have a country. The mission to help you liberate California from communist rule begins at noon on Inauguration Day 2025.”

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