Trump leads Biden by five points in Georgia ahead of debate

Donald Trump has opened up a five-point lead over Joe Biden in Georgia, two days ahead of the crucial first presidential debate to be held in the state.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll, Trump is at 43 percent and Biden is at 38 percent.

It comes as the two candidates make final preparations for what could be one of the most consequential showdowns ever in presidential politics. CNN will host the debate in Atlanta on Thursday evening.

The poll is a setback for Biden, who on his way to the White House in 2020 became the first Democrat in nearly three decades to win the Peach State.

Donald Trump speaks at the Road to Majority conference in Washington DC on June 22

Biden’s support among Georgia’s young voters has plummeted; only 12 percent support him.

Overall, 70 percent said the country is “on the wrong track,” according to the poll.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received 9 percent in the poll, and 8 percent were undecided.

It comes as Trump and Biden prepare for a matchup Thursday in Atlanta, the first time they will appear on stage together in four years.

Trump has requested that Biden take a drug test ahead of the showdown, stating that he would agree in return.

The ex-president’s request comes after his former White House doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, who served under both Presidents Obama and Trump, asked Biden to undergo a drug screening ahead of the televised event.

According to a letter Jackson sent to Biden and his top White House doctor obtained by, the Republican requested drug testing for the president before and after Thursday’s debate.

“I demand that you submit to a clinically validated drug test to reassure the American people that you are mentally fit to serve as President and that you are not dependent on performance-enhancing drugs to assist you in your debate performance or in your daily duties . basis to assist you in carrying out your duties as President of the United States.”

“This drug test should be administered both immediately before and after the debate and should include, but not be limited to, performance-enhancing drugs,” Jackson continued in his letter to Joe Biden and his top White House physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor. .

Jackson ramps up the pressure by specifically including Kevin O’Connor, the chief White House physician, in the note to the president and his entire Cabinet, telling the doctor how he has a duty to the American people to drug test to complete.

Despite claims from the left that Trump’s move is a stunt, focus groups continue to cite Biden’s age as a cause for concern after a string of recent freezes.

Nearly half of likely voters expect Biden to make gaffes during the debate, according to a recent JL Partners poll.

President Joe Biden speaks at an event marking the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in the East Room of the White House on June 18

President Joe Biden speaks at an event marking the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in the East Room of the White House on June 18

About 49 percent think he will forget where he is and 41 percent expect him to walk on the wrong side of the stage, the poll found.

Another 40 percent think he will have trouble standing up during the CNN debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27.

Voters, on the other hand, expect a dominant performance from his Republican rival, and overwhelmingly expect him to emerge victorious.

About 79 percent expect Trump to interrupt Biden and 54 percent think his microphone will be turned off at some point.

The debate is scheduled for Thursday, June 27 at 9:00 PM and will last 90 minutes.