Trump blasts Megyn Kelly as ‘nasty’ following combative interview where she pressed him on keeping classified documents after getting a subpoena

Former President Donald Trump called his former TV foil Megyn Kelly “pretty nasty” for her behavior in a recent interview in which she repeatedly pressured him to comply with a grand jury subpoena.

Trump made the comment about Kelly, a former Fox News host, while campaigning in Iowa, where he gave his own reviews of the TV journalists who questioned him on satellite radio and on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

‘This weekend I did Meet the Press, they got fantastic ratings. I call it Meet the Fake Press,” Trump said, returning to his signature attack on the media.

“And it was one question after another after another and went on for the entire hour. “You had Kristen Welker, and she was, you know, nice, even though she kept interrupting me because she didn’t like all the answers I gave,” he complained.

Former President Donald Trump called interviewer Megyn Kelly “nasty” after a sit-down on her Sirius XM show

He was referring to the new NBC anchor who repeatedly pressured him during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

He then gave his review of his performance with Megyn Kelly during her show on Sirius XM.

“Then I did one of Megyn Kelly and she, you know – boy, she suddenly got meaner,” Trump told a crowd. She was quite mean, didn’t you think? Has anyone looked at it?’ Trump noted.

It was a return to an attack Trump launched on Kelly years ago when she asked him a tough question during a 2015 Fox News presidential primary debate.

Kelly had asked him about past sexist comments calling women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”

Trump then complained about Kelly to former CNN anchor Don Lemon (later a subject of his attacks).

“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. She has blood coming out of her everywhere,” Trump said in comments that drew condemnation from prominent liberals and conservatives.

It came during a trip to Iowa where Trump signed the top of an enthusiastic fan.

In his last interview with Kelly, she repeatedly told him he was obligated to comply with a subpoena — in a series of events that led to him being charged in federal court in Florida with criminal conspiracy and willful retention of national security information.

Kelly pressed Trump on his claim that a top secret document he reportedly abandoned was merely newspaper clippings

Kelly pressed Trump on his claim that a top secret document he reportedly abandoned was merely newspaper clippings

Trump blasted Kelly after she asked him about his comments about women during a 2015 presidential debate

Trump blasted Kelly after she asked him about his comments about women during a 2015 presidential debate

“If I get a subpoena, I have to comply,” Kelly told Trump

“If I get a subpoena, I have to comply,” Kelly told Trump

Kelly has pressed Trump over obstruction charges he faces over boxes of material marked as classified found at Mar-a-Lago following an FBI investigation

Kelly has pressed Trump over obstruction charges he faces over boxes of material marked as classified found at Mar-a-Lago following an FBI investigation

Trump made the comments during a trip to Iowa, where he signed the tank top of an eager waitress before inking her forearm at a campaign event.

Trump made the comments during a trip to Iowa, where he signed the tank top of an eager waitress before inking her forearm at a campaign event.

“Well, that was my question, you know, even if I think they’re charging me with a bogus crime, if I get a summons, do I have to comply with a summons,” Kelly told him. ‘I worked as a lawyer for ten years. You must comply with this. You have to go through the documents and then fight,” she said The hill reported.

Trump referred to previous negotiations before the FBI received a grand jury subpoena in June 2022 after learning of classified materials at Mar-a-Lago, even after Trump’s lawyers submitted a document showing they had all been returned .

“I would have given it to them,” Trump told Kelly. “You know what, we had a meeting. I said, “What do you want?” And instead of doing that, because they’re doing it for political reasons. The reason they are doing this is because of election interference.”

She also asked him if he had behaved “irresponsibly” by allegedly relinquishing a classified document at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

“I didn’t do anything wrong because I’m under the Presidential Records Act,” he said. “I can have these documents.”

Kelly sat back, let Trump speak at length, and then told him, “Let’s move on to my question.”

In his speech, Trump also ridiculed President Joe Biden for calling reporters from a list, as he did at his recent news conference in Hanoi.

“Do you think Joe Biden will do that?” he said before recounting his own interviews, which he called “one question after another.”

“Biden can’t do that. Maybe one question where he goes: Ah, okay, I’ll take a question from…’. As he thought, Trump looked at a sheet of paper, as did Biden. “Wait, I want ABC – Ruth. And then she asks him a question, and then he reads out the answer!’ Trump said.