Trump allies want racism protections for white people: Ex-president’s inner circle plotting focus on ‘anti-white racism’ in civil rights if he is elected to a second term

  • Trump wants to ‘root out discriminatory programs’
  • A slew of lawsuits by former aide Stephen Miller’s group providing blueprint

Trump allies plan to repurpose anti-discrimination laws with a new focus on anti-white discrimination, with former Trump White House adviser Stephen Miller laying the groundwork through his America First Legal group.

Trump allies ‘want to dramatically change the administration’s interpretation of civil rights-era laws’ to focus on ‘anti-white racism’ Axios reports.

A key figure in providing a model for action is Miller, who helped shape Trump’s “America First” ideology and served as a key driving force behind immigration policy during Trump’s tenure in the White House and who has been named as a potential top official in a second term. term.

His group has filed a lawsuit to try to end programs like those run by the Small Business Administration, which set aside emergency aid for women and minority-owned restaurants, arguing that these programs discriminate against white potential recipients of help.

Allies of former President Donald Trump

“President Trump is committed to rooting out discriminatory programs and racist ideology within the federal government,” campaign spokesman Stephen Cheung told in a statement.

“In contrast, Joe Biden has continued to encourage unlawful violations of civil rights by weaponizing every tool of government to promote Marxism and communism. As President Trump has said, all employees, offices and initiatives associated with Biden’s un-American policies will be immediately terminated.”

Miller’s group filed a lawsuit on behalf of a white restaurant owner who said he could not qualify for the $29 billion restaurant relief fund, which prioritized aid to “women, veterans and socially and economically disadvantaged” businesses.

‘Look, I’m a capitalist. If you want to make a million dollars – great!’ Biden said this in his State of the Union.

For decades, the courts have allowed programs that set aside certain contract programs for minority businesses.

But a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas ruled last month that a minority development agency should not exclude people on the basis of race.

“If courts mean what they say when they give paramount importance to constitutional rights, the federal government should not be allowed to flagrantly violate such rights with impunity. The MBDA has been doing this for years. Time is up,” Judge Mark Pittman wrote, referring to the federal Minority Business Development Agency.

Miller’s group has also intervened at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in efforts to reign in “woke companies,” filing more than 100 lawsuits since Miller left the Trump White House as a senior adviser.

It also filed a lawsuit in Texas, where it prevailed in 2021 in a lawsuit against the state agriculture commissioner over aiding Black farmers through Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

It too represented a white freelance scriptwriter who sued CBS over its diversity policy.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung did not rule out the focus, issuing a statement saying, “As President Trump has said, all employees, offices and initiatives associated with Biden’s un-American policies will be immediately terminated.”

Trump has called the prosecutions of him in New York and Georgia “racist” in recent blasts from his Truth Social platform, while accusing him of playing to white concerns about immigration even as his support for black and Hispanic voters rose in the polls.

He has continued to harp on illegal immigration, and on a meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina Last month, it echoed a conspiracy theory known as the “white replacement theory,” claiming illegal immigration was part of a plot to maintain political power.

“Biden’s behavior at our border is, by definition, a conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America,” Trump said. “Biden and his minions want to collapse the American system, overturn the will of actual American voters and establish a new power base that will give them control for generations.”