Troy Armstrong: Man accused of killing his ex-wife Kristy after running her off the road is found dead in his cell

  • Troy Armstrong, 36, found dead in his cell
  • He was accused of murdering his wife Kristy

A man accused of killing his ex-wife by running her off the road has been found dead in his cell just days before the one-year anniversary of the fatal crash.

Troy Armstrong, 36, was charged with murdering his ex-wife Kristy when he allegedly drove towards her sedan at 140km/h in Molong in central west NSW on June 9 last year.

On Tuesday, Armstrong was found unconscious in his cell at the Metropolitan Remand and Reception Center in Silverwater, western Sydney.

A spokeswoman for Corrective Services NSW said: ‘The prisoner was immediately given first aid and taken to hospital but was pronounced deceased.

Troy Armstrong (right) is accused of murdering his ex-wife Kristy (left)

‘As a matter of protocol, Corrective Services NSW and NSW Police investigate all deaths in custody, regardless of the circumstances.’

His death comes just three days before the one-year anniversary of the crash.

Armstrong also faced two charges of attempted murder in connection with passengers in the sedan – who suffered minor injuries – and three charges of breaching apprehended violence orders.

At the time of his death, he had not entered any pleas.

More to come.

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