Trolls say my face tattoos are ‘dumb’ and the reason I’m single – but I love my unique look

A British woman has hit back at trolls who called her facial tattoos ‘stupid’ and claimed they are the reason she is single.

Genesis, who lives in Kent, goes by the name @themiseryfairy on TikTok, where she has more than 125,000 followers and often makes videos about her journey to sobriety.

She has a tattoo of a stitched heart under her right eye and a ‘444’ tattoo above her left eyebrow, as well as numerous other designs on her body.

Angry trolls often leave comments on Genesis’ videos about her facial tattoos, but she doesn’t let the hate get to her and always defends her unique look.

In one video with almost 50,000 views, she responds to a comment that reads, “Those tattoos are just stupid. Why did you do that to yourself?’

Genesis, who lives in Kent and goes by the name @themiseryfairy on TikTok, has more than 125,000 followers and often makes videos about her journey to sobriety

She hit back by lip-syncing the lyrics to the Crassus: Minted Song from the TV series Horrible Histories.

With her arms folded, the TikToker joined in: “I’m Marcus Licinius Crassus, no rich man could ever surpass us.

“Living there could be a pauper’s nightmare, but if you’re rich like me, you don’t care.”

Commenters were also quick to defend the influencer, writing: “I love your face tattoos, they suit you perfectly!”

Another added: ‘Oh don’t get bored. Genesis is beautiful and a complete atmosphere!!!!’.

Genesis created another video where she wrote “coming to terms with the idea that I will probably stay single forever because the odds are stacked against me.”

She listed all the reasons why, including the traumas and illnesses she’s suffered, but one angry commenter replied: “It’s mainly the face tattoos.”

In response, the influencer clapped back with a video where she looks around in confusion and writes on the screen, “Some of you just say anything.”

Once again, her fans were quick to defend her, with one commenting: “Face tattoos don’t scare men unfortunately, I’ve tried.”

In response, the influencer clapped back with a video of her looking around in confusion and writing on the screen: “Some of you just say anything.”

Another boasted: ‘I have face tattoos, men love them’, while someone else said: ‘If you’re jealous just say so.’

A fellow supporter added: ‘All the hotties have face tattoos’ and ‘You look amazing, I love your look and your attitude’.

This week she made a video titled ‘tattoo tour part one’ where she explained the meaning behind her ink.

She told her followers why she used some of her ink, including a sunflower on her forearm, a cat and a cherub – although she has yet to talk to fans about her facial tattoos.

One user said: ‘You are such an inspiration to me. I don’t know how to put it all into words, but you are such a beautiful person.’

Another said: ‘I’d love to see the rest of your tattoo tour!’

It comes after a Polish influencer shocked her followers by ‘tattooing’ her boyfriend’s name on her boyfriend.

The video, titled “My New Face Tattoo,” showed the influencer at a body modification shop, apparently getting her boyfriend Kevin’s name permanently emblazoned on her head in large black cursive letters.

It zoomed in on the artist going over the stencil and Ana writhing in pain before rushing to the mirror and exclaiming, “Ready? Okay, let’s see. Oh my God, I love it. Wow, Kevin will love it’

The video has already been viewed by more than 14.7 million people, with commenters wondering whether the striking tattoo is real or not. Those who think this is so warn her that she will regret it.

One user wrote: ‘Noooo, this is definitely a joke,’ while another user asked: ‘And if he breaks up with you, what then?’

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