Trolls call me ‘disgusting’ and say ‘no man will ever love me’ for not shaving my body hair – but the hate doesn’t bother me

A 21-year-old woman who is receiving ‘crazy’ hate and being called ‘disgusting’ for not shaving her body hair has hit back at trolls.

Canadian influencer Spencer Barbosa has almost 10 million followers on TikTok, where each video gets hundreds of thousands of views.

However, not everyone is taking kindly to the social media star’s positive body content and she has received a lot of criticism for refusing to shave her back and arm hair.

Spencer says she hid and groomed her body hair for “years,” but at age 17, she had enough of being ashamed.

She chose to embrace her body in its natural state and began sharing photos and videos of herself on social media, which proved to be controversial.

A 21-year-old woman who receives ‘crazy’ hate and is called ‘disgusting’ for not shaving her body hair has hit back at trolls

Spencer says she hid and groomed her body hair for 'years', but at 17, she had enough of being ashamed

She chose to embrace her body in its natural state and began sharing photos and videos of herself on social media, which proved to be controversial

Spencer says she hid and groomed her body hair for ‘years’, but at 17, she had enough of being ashamed

Although she says the response is “crazy” β€” including trolls saying “no man will ever love her if she’s hairy” β€” Spencer is on a mission to help other young women accept their bodies for who they are, and she shares clips with her growing following.

β€œI get a lot of negativity telling me I need to shave or that no man will ever love me if I’m hairy,” the Toronto content creator told What’s The Jam.

‘I get some pretty crazy comments online when I post my back hair or when I hug my arm hair.

‘A lot of people say how disgusting it is, or say it makes them throw up and that it’s not that hard to shave.

‘I decided to embrace my body hair when I was 17, after years of hiding my arm hair [and] I’m ashamed of what my body naturally grows.

‘I was shaving, waxing and lasering all the time – not because I wanted to, but because I felt the pressure.

‘I find it very interesting how disgusting and scary people find something that grows naturally in your body. You should never be afraid of your own body.’

She added, “But honestly, as the years go by as a content creator, I’ve kind of gotten used to the heat, and it really doesn’t bother me.”

Although she says the response is

Although she says the response is “crazy” β€” including trolls saying “no man will ever love her if she’s hairy” β€” Spencer is on a mission to help other young women accept their bodies for who they are, and she shares clips with her growing following

In one clip, Spencer reveals she already has crow's feet and laugh lines

In another video, she shares some of the hate comments she has received

In one clip, Spencer reveals she already has crow’s feet and laugh lines (LEFT) and in another clip she shares some of the hate comments she’s received (RIGHT)

The Canadian influencer has almost 10 million followers on TikTok, where she gets hundreds of thousands of views with every video

The Canadian influencer has almost 10 million followers on TikTok, where she gets hundreds of thousands of views with every video

Spencer regularly goes viral with her confidence-boosting posts on TikTok, gaining millions of views and sparking discussion in the comments section.

In one clip, she pokes fun at people and says, “Girls shouldn’t have back hair,” as she dances around with her back exposed to show off her dark hair.

In another post, she shares insight into the kind of trolling she receives, including “her poor boyfriend,” “body hair is disgusting,” “women don’t have mustaches,” “please shave” and a series of comments about her weight.

Spencer also advocates for body positivity across the board, sharing clips of her wrinkles, crow’s feet and developing laugh lines, as well as close-ups of her skin.

In a TikTok that received 134,000 likes, she shows off the difference between her posed body and more candid shots.

Spencer added: β€œIt’s really important for me to post about body hair because I remember when I was 10 years old and begging my mom to let me shave my legs because the boys in my class started pointing it out to me .

‘I fell into the terrible trap of shaving my entire body because I was afraid of being bullied or because I was afraid people would think of me as ‘hairy’.

‘I want to make it very clear that I never tell other people what to do with their bodies, or how to care for their body hair. I’m just trying to make people understand that it’s not unsanitary or unsightly to grow natural body hair. .

Spencer advocates for body positivity across the board, sharing snippets of her wrinkles, crow's feet and developing laugh lines, as well as close-ups of her skin

Spencer advocates for body positivity across the board, sharing snippets of her wrinkles, crow’s feet and developing laugh lines, as well as close-ups of her skin

Spencer added,

Spencer added, “It’s really important for me to post about body hair because I remember being 10 years old and begging my mom to let me shave my legs because the boys in my class started pointing it out.” ‘

The influencer insists: 'You should only shave if you want to - it's your choice, it's your body'

The influencer insists: ‘You should only shave if you want to – it’s your choice, it’s your body’

‘It actually grows for a reason. Even though I post about body hair all the time, I still choose to shave my armpits and my legs because I want to.”

She emphasizes, β€œYou should only shave if you want to; it’s your choice, it’s your body.

‘It is very important to love your body, understand your body and not be afraid of it.

‘Body hair grows naturally on your body. It’s normal, it’s not embarrassing.

‘You can raise your arm if you forgot to shave your armpit. You should never let your body hair hold you back from anything.

‘And if you do choose waxing or lasering, make that choice for yourself, and not because you are afraid of what other people think.’

And Spencer isn’t the only woman changing the way we think about women’s body hair.

A hairy lady revealed that even though people are constantly staring at her bushy pins, men are supposedly obsessed with them.

Aria Loca from Mexico is fed up with society reinforcing the idea that women need a hairless body. That’s why she rebels against the norms.

The 34-year-old has opted for a low-maintenance look, and she doesn’t care who can see her blurry bits.

While her hairy look may draw some surprised looks, Aria says men online are completely enamored with her rugged style.

But despite receiving daily messages from men professing their love for her fluffy pins and armpits, her natural looks have still brought excitement to her dating life.