Trevor Noah is out after ruining The Daily Show: MEGHAN MCCAIN


Trevor Noah is out as host of The Daily Show.

It was a long time coming.

The virtually unknown comedian was handed the anchor seat in 2015 after Jon Stewart parted ways with the groundbreaking political comedy show he had built over more than 15 years. Since then, The Daily Show has become bogged down in mediocrity and frankly, boredom.

Noah never lived up to its predecessor, drawing a total of 363,000 viewers for a week in September (by comparison, more than 2.1 million watched Greg Gutfeld’s show on Fox News during the same period).

Noah survived with his ‘cool kid’ influence in the media. He was part of the club that pointed and laughed at the “dumb” conservatives. But for the most part, he was just throwing up the same old tired jokes over and over again.

In fact, he and his “correspondents” repeatedly spat the same joke on me. He then repeated it again this year at The White House Correspondents Dinner.

“I heard Meghan McCain say to the bouncer, ‘Do you know who my father was?’

Noah’s problem is that he never realized what made The Daily Show so great.

It’s okay, I get it. I loved and respected my father and talked a lot about him. I can laugh at myself. But at least Trevor can come up with new material for his big night on the town in Washington DC

Noah’s problem is that he never realized what made The Daily Show so great.

Jon Stewart wasn’t the first host, but he certainly was the best.

I grew up, like most older millennials, watching him every night before bed. I had just started paying attention to politics and the show was not only funny, it was hilarious.

Above all, no one was safe.

Stewart and his cast members were undaunted in their performances, helping to launch the careers of household names like Steven Colbert, Ed Helms, Steve Carell and Samantha Bee.

They spoke the truth against power and shot at everyone regardless of political party. Jon seemed to hate hypocrisy and corruption wherever he found it and his viewers ate it up.

For the record, The Daily Show took a lot of swipes at my late father, including a skit that used a grumpy doll to laugh at him. On Stewart’s last show, my dad posed with that same doll and said “so long, Jackass” to Stewart as a funny goodbye.

Since Stewart left the show, he hasn’t stopped either. Look at his recent work calling attention to 9/11 First Responders and our veterans, who suffer health problems after inhaling the fumes from fire pits at remote military bases.

Stewart is certainly an activist now, but he still commands a lot of power and respect both in politics and culture.

Isn’t that what comedy should be, abhorring and speaking the truth to power?

Instead, Noah and his ilk were content to go with the crowd. Too bad for them that the audience is quite small.

Gone are the days of Johnny Carson and Jay Leno, who were apolitical and watched by over 10 million people every night. It is clear that the American media landscape and the TV business have changed since then. Even in his heyday, Stewart couldn’t reach those ratings.

But funny is still funny. And it’s something our nighttime comedians have long forgotten.

‘Saturday Night Live’ alum Rob Schneider famously said he knew SNL was ‘over’ when Kate McKinnon dressed up as Hillary Clinton and played the piano for a skit after Clinton lost to Donald Trump in 2016.

The virtually unknown comedian was handed the anchor seat in 2015 after Jon Stewart parted ways with the groundbreaking political comedy show he had built over more than 15 years.

“She started playing ‘Hallelujah’. I literally prayed, “Please make a joke at the end,” Schneider said. “And there was no joke at the end, and I said, ‘It’s over. It’s over. It’s not coming back.'”

He’s absolutely right.

Today’s bootlicking comedians are so afraid to joke at the expense of their political favorites and the result is that they just aren’t funny.

How come SNL doesn’t make fun of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris every night?

Our aging president looks lost in public and even his allies admit it. Harris can’t get through a single public appearance without blurting out an incomprehensible word salad.

Remember this?

‘We have to work together – work together. To see where we are. Where we are going, where we are going and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment to, yes, take on the challenges together and work on the opportunities that this moment offers.’

How is that not a point? Is it because she’s a Democrat, a woman, a woman of color?

For the record, The Daily Show took a lot of swipes at my late father, including a skit that used a grumpy doll to laugh at him. On Stewart’s last show, my dad posed with that same doll and said “so long, Jackass” to Stewart as a funny goodbye.

I would say this is a polarization problem in America. We can’t laugh together anymore.

If the elites that control comedy have decided that Democrats are off limits because President Trump was so bad, then we’re all screwed.

No one should be off limits.

More often than not, late night comedy just feels like a new news show on MSNBC.

I don’t want any more lectures. I want to laugh.

So how do you save The Daily Show and late night TV, by the way?

Hire a comedian who wants to be a barn burner, who is not tied to any agenda, political party or ideology. Someone who wants to expose hypocrisy, corruption, the absolute absurdity of our current political climate and worthless politicians.

Find someone who doesn’t care about making enemies or being hated. Find someone who thinks late night comedy is dead and wants to help revive it.

Perhaps most importantly, find someone who doesn’t want to be one of the cool kids, but wants to speak for Americans of all political stripes.

Someone who wants to hold the feet of our absurd political ruling class against the fire, and take out their hypocrisy and idiocy.

I really hope Comedy Central doesn’t cancel The Daily Show. His legacy is too powerful.

And we live in a time when we need more people whose only agenda is laughter.

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