Treasurer Jim Chalmers is confronted by the Greens for not wiping student debt

Brutal moment Jim Chalmers takes down a Greens MP when asked why Labor won’t clear HECS debt for Australian students

  • Jim Chalmers asked why he hadn’t paid off his student debt
  • Treasurer defended the government and beat Greens

Jim Chalmers has criticized the Greens after being ridiculed over the government’s refusal to abolish student debt amid the cost-of-living crisis.

The treasurer was questioned on the matter by Greens MP Stephen Bates during question time in the federal parliament in Canberra on Monday.

Mr Bates said young people were having a particularly hard time paying off their student debt on top of their regular bills.

“Student aid debts have hung on for generations, causing more financial stress for people already struggling through the cost-of-living crisis,” he said.

“If the government can afford the $254 billion Stage Three tax cuts and spend $268 billion on nuclear submarines, why can’t we afford to pay off student debt?”

Jim Chalmers has criticized the Greens after being called out over the government’s refusal to abolish student debt amid the cost of living crisis (stock image)

Dr. Chalmers said the Albanian government was well aware of the financial pressure on young people and was taking steps to reduce the cost of living.

“We understand that students and young Australians are under pressure at a time when we have inflation that is higher than we would like and that will stick around longer than we would like,” he said.

“It’s our job to try and find the right balance between budgeting as responsibly as possible and doing what we can to relieve the pressure on people.”

The treasurer said the government thinks the current student debt system is “good” because students don’t pay off their debts until they have earned a “decent wage”.

He then targeted the Greens for not supporting the government’s measures to provide more housing.

“One of the other things, Mr Speaker, that is really important is making sure we build more social and affordable housing for people and that’s why it’s so disappointing that when the Greens got the chance here to get more social and affordable housing, they rushed to the door, ”he said.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers (pictured right) has defended the government’s position after being questioned in parliament over student debt

Greens MP Stephen Bates (pictured centre) asked why the Albanian government had failed to pay off student debt as young people face additional costs amid the cost of living crisis

“They rushed to the door and it was disappointing because you would think that a party that talks so much about young people, a party that talks so much about affordable housing, the least they could have done is support the minister in his efforts to raise this fund.” of $10 billion to build more social and affordable homes.”

The treasurer said the fund would have helped “take some of the pressure off people,” including students.

“The least the Greens can do is when the government proposes some sensible, important policy to make those people’s lives a little bit easier, the least they can do is vote for it,” he added.

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