Travel tips Australia: This is the secret Aussie sign language you must know if you’re visiting from overseas

A man has shared the ‘secret’ sign language all Australians use and says foreigners should familiarize themselves with it before traveling Down Under.

Paulfrom Brisbane, is a comedian and audience specialist who drops by @bartsimpsonfan69 online.

He recently revealed all the deep-rooted Aussie mannerisms that thousands expect others to know – like tilting your head up when you see someone you know in public, but tilting your head down if it’s an acquaintance.

Paul listed several other situations in which people might use cultural gestures, such as seeing a friend while driving or letting someone in in traffic.

“When you’re sitting in a car and greeting someone, there are a few levels – and they become more intense depending on how well you know them,” he said.

Paul started simply with what to do if you meet someone on the street.

“When you see someone on the street and you know him or her, you tilt your head up a little bit,” he said. “But when you see someone you don’t know very well, or who you know from work or school, you put your head down.”

Sitting in a car opens up a whole new world of Australian gestures, like the ‘finger wave’.

A finger wave is when your hand is on the steering wheel, but you only lift your index finger in a small wave.

“This is what you do when you’ve been driving for a while and haven’t seen another car for a while, you wave your finger ‘hello’.”

Aussies raise their whole hand in a wave while driving to thank people – usually for letting them in during traffic or giving way

It’s different when you raise your whole hand in an actual wave, which is reserved for thanking people.

“If someone lets you in during traffic, you usually wave a thank you,” Paul said.

He continued, “If you’re driving and you see a friend, you might wave, but ideally you honk. If they are a good friend, you drive behind them, flash your headlights and honk your horn.”

Paul then revealed some signs to say goodbye.

“When you say goodbye to someone and you’re in a car, you honk a little bit,” he said.

“And if they’re not in a car, you give them a finger gun.”

What are unique Aussie gestures?

*Nodding your head when you see a friend

* Nodding your head down when you see someone you know

* Wave your fingers when you see another car after an empty stretch

* Raising your hand as a ‘thank you’ wave when someone lets you into traffic

* Honk if you see someone you know while driving

* Honk twice to say goodbye

Many agreed with Paul and thanked him for the extensive list.

“This is so accurate,” one said.

‘New Zealand also has the same rules!’ another added.

“This reminds me of the time I was in an Uber in Costa Rica and the driver explained that there are three different types of honking noises,” one man recalled. “One is ‘thanks,’ one is ‘I recognize someone on the street,’ and one is ‘hey, I’m here, buddy.'”