Trans woman is charged with threatening to copy Nashville school shooting and rape Christian girls in bathrooms after cops intercepted sick livestream of them saying ‘I am gonna f*** f*** them until they’re dead’

A transgender woman has been charged with threatening to shoot up schools and raping Christian girls in bathrooms.

Jason Lee Willie, who identifies as “Alexia N. Willie,” allegedly modeled the threats after transgender Nashville Christian Covenant School shooter Audrey “Aiden” Hale.

Willie, 47, from Nashville, Illinois, was indicted in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on 14 felony counts of interstate communications for threats of injury.

The charges, filed on November 7, include threats to kill and rape children, inject people with HIV and target black people.

In a message sent from Illinois to Virginia, Willie reportedly described an intention to participate in school shootings and claimed immunity from the FBI.

Jason Lee Willie, who identifies as “Alexia N. Willie,” is said to have modeled the threats after transgender Nashville Christian Covenant School shooter Audrey “Aiden” Hale (pictured)

Willie, 47, of Nashville, Illinois, was charged in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure (Photo: A police officer walks past the entrance to The Covenant School in Nashville after the shooting )

“We’re going to walk into your school here and shoot your kids, and I’m going to tell you right now that I’m going to be one of them and the FBI isn’t going to stop me, but I’m going to kill your kids right here,” Willie said, according to the complaint.

In an online video call, Willie also threatened to rape Christian daughters in bathrooms and criticized the Republican Party.

“I catch your daughters alone in those bathrooms, I’m going to fuck them. I mean, I’m going to fuck them until they’re dead,’ Willie is reported to have said.

‘I’m openly a pedophile… You can’t do anything about us. You can cry. Scream. Put me on national television, I don’t care. I’m transgender, I’m in the bathroom raping your damn daughters and I’m openly letting you know it. The Republican Party, what the hell are you going to do about us?” he said, according to the complaint.

In addition, Willie threatened to inject HIV into people wearing crosses.

“I catch you here with a cross around your neck in that toilet, you better know we’re going to hit you with a damn syringe,” they allegedly said.

They also targeted Black individuals and compared them to white supremacists, the Daily Wire reported.

Willie said, “It’s trash, it’s Christian trash. They’re transphobic, they’re homophobic. They are no different than the damn white supremacists. That’s exactly who they are. Listen, Dave Chappelle and all the blacks here, all the black people here talking about trannies and s***, they’re no different than the white supremacists either. You all bow to the same cross.”

Willie celebrated the March 2023 mass shooting in which a biological woman identifying as male killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville.

“Someone from Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot a bunch of your Christian daughters. That ain’t the last one if you don’t shut your damn mouth,” Willie said, according to the complaint.

“There’s a lot of trans people here who are tired of being bullied and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their damn children here and that’s the end of it. We’re at war,’ Willie is reported to have said. They added, “Let me put a bullet in your head.”

In response to this incident, Willie warned of further attacks on Christian girls if certain actions were not taken.

Willie will be tried on January 16, 2024, after being released multiple times on $0 bail, citing Illinois’ SAFE-T Act.

Federal prosecutors noted Willie’s release after he taunted police during a previous arrest, emphasizing safety concerns and lenient repercussions.

Willie’s roommate was released from state custody on August 17 and reported concerns about firearms training on August 24.

This comes nearly eight months after transgender shooter Audrey Hale opened fire at The Covenant School, killing three adults and three children on March 27.

A report released four months later revealed that the Nashville Christian school shooter had mysterious handwritten notes on her clothing, a knife with her chosen name Aiden engraved on it, and an anklet with the number 508407 etched on it.

Willie celebrated the March 2023 mass shooting in which a biological woman identifying as male killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville.

Footage released by Nashville police shows Hale sneaking through the hallways. She walks through the entire hallway before disappearing into the distance to go to the second floor

This was evident from an autopsy report Hale’s clothing was covered in “handwritten words, drawings and numbers.” It is unclear what was on her clothing.

The report also stated that Hale, 28, was wearing an orange plastic anklet with the mysterious inscription “508407.”

The autopsy was released as debate escalated over the decision to release Hale’s manifesto and other writings, which were recovered from the crime scene and her parents’ home.

The report noted that Hale identified as a transgender man but was officially listed as a woman.

The medical examiner determined Hale’s cause of death was homicide by gunshot wounds.

The toxicological analysis showed that no drugs or alcohol were involved.

Hale opened fire at a Christian elementary school in Tennessee on the morning of March 27, killing six people, including three nine-year-old students.

With an assault rifle in hand, Hale shot down the door of the Nashville-area school and walked through the hallways before opening fire on her victims.

Hale murdered Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney, Evelyn Dieckhaus, all nine, and principal Dr. Katherine Koonce, 60, substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, 61, and chef Mike Hill, 61.

They used three of the seven legally purchased weapons to carry out the shooting.

The transgender artist had a detailed map of the building and conducted surveillance outside the Covenant School she once attended before carrying out the devastating massacre.

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