Tragedy as mother and her British husband who welcomed quintuplets reveal three-day-old son has died


Tragedy as British mother and husband who welcomed quintuplets reveal their three-day-old son has died

  • Dominika and Vincent Clarke told how baby Henry James died on Wednesday
  • Read more: Couple welcome ‘miracle’ quintuplets to Polish hospital

A Polish-British couple who recently welcomed quintuplets into their family have tragically revealed that their three-day-old son, an “amazing angel”, has died.

Dominika Clarke, already the mother of seven children between the ages of 10 months and 12 years, gave birth to the quintuplets on Sunday afternoon, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

The mother called it a ‘miracle’ pregnancy, revealing that the chances of conceiving quintuplets were one in 52 million.

However, on Wednesday it was confirmed that Henry James, the fifth of two boys and three girls born by C-section, had died.

Both her British mother and father, Vincent Clarke, originally from Solihull, said they were absolutely devastated.

Dominika Clarke and her husband Vince welcomed five babies at a Krakow hospital on Sunday afternoon.

The couple said they are absolutely devastated after the death of their three-day-old son.

“You’re at the top and then it was like you ran out of breath,” Vincent told the Mirror.

It has been very hard because everyone was stable and then we lost Henry. It was so sudden and so shocking.

‘We have absolutely no guilt for the hospital in our hearts. They tried everything to bring him back.

The software engineer said the family will “continue to be positive” despite the sad news, pouring their support and effort into the other 11 children.

Vincent added: ‘It was an absolute honor and privilege to be chosen as the parents of little Henry. We enjoyed every second of time we got to spend with him.’

The five babies, who weighed between 25 and 49 ounces, were born at the University Hospital in Krakow, Poland.

The children, three girls and two boys, were named Arianna Daisy, Charles Patrick, Elizabeth May, Evangeline Rose, and Henry James.

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