Toxic stupidity of the bleeding-heart border fools: The Left screamed it was racist to keep America secure… now, says DAVID MARCUS, they’re pleading with migrants to keep out – and Biden’s building the wall!

What a vile betrayal of basic human decency.

After years of shamelessly labeling Republicans as racist Neanderthals for daring to suggest that a physical barrier could stem the raging migrant crisis, President Joe Biden is – suddenly – building the wall.

“There is currently an acute and immediate need to establish physical barriers… to prevent illegal entry into the United States,” his administration announced this week.

You don’t say that.

The Conservatives saw this humanitarian disaster coming from a mile away. But the lure of cynical political pandering was too great for the Democrats.

Old Joe knew that meek, mild-mannered liberals would be outraged at the idea of ​​turning away men, women and children at the American border. So he took advantage of it.

The misery of millions made for a powerful talking point.

“Not another foot of wall will be built during my administration,” then-presidential candidate Biden promised in a 2020 NPR interview.

“It will be the policy of my Administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be spent on the construction of a border wall,” he sighed in a presidential proclamation after winning the White House.

That was music to the ears of the Democrats.

Old Joe knew that meek, mild-mannered liberals would be outraged at the idea of ​​turning away men, women and children at the American border. So he took advantage of it. (Above) Biden reviews border enforcement operations in El Paso, Texas on January 8, 2023

The Conservatives saw this humanitarian disaster coming from a mile away. But the lure of cynical political pandering was too great for the Democrats. (Above) A U.S. Border Patrol agent monitors as immigrants enter the United States after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico in Eagle Pass, Texas, on September 30, 2023

After all, a wall on the southern border with Mexico was variously “a medieval vanity project,” “a complete waste of taxpayer money,” “an immorality” and an expression of Trump’s “xenophobia and racism,” according to several clueless whites. Votes from the House of Representatives and elected left-wing lunatics.

Hysterical progressive environmentalists were tearing out their blue-dyed hair over the terrible impact a wall would have on the border ecosystem.

Regardless of the dire consequences of pounds of deadly fentanyl being smuggled into America and killing and addicting our citizens at a historic rate, there were spotted owls to protect.

Now Biden’s DHS wants to waive 26 laws and regulations, including provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act, to speed up their little project.

What’s changed, Joe?

Was it the nearly five million illegal immigrants who entered the country under your watch? The falling dominoes of crying Democratic mayors whose shelters and schools are now full?

Not only is this a humiliating admission that we have failed to secure America’s borders, but it is also a window into the callous hypocrisy of a commander in chief who didn’t care about the problem until he knocked on the doors of deep blue cities.

Now, in a risky, outrageous act of deception, Biden claims he had no choice but to build 20 miles of wall in a remote stretch of South Texas because Congress appropriated the funding under Trump.

Suddenly Captain Executive Order’s hands are tied?


Absolutely no one buys it.

(Above) President Trump participates in a ceremony commemorating the 200th mile of border wall in San Luis, Arizona on June 23, 2020

Here’s team leader AOC: “The Biden administration was under no obligation to expand border wall construction — and it certainly was under no obligation to waive various environmental laws to expedite construction.”

Left-wing leaders from Chicago to New York City are pulling their own embarrassing about-face.

A few months ago, New York City Mayor Eric Adams welcomed migrants bused to the Big Apple and promised to “provide services to families who are here… I’m proud that this is a Right to Shelter state is, and we’re going to keep doing that,” he said.

How astonishingly brave… and naive and grossly negligent.

Now the mayor has been surprised by reality.

New York City’s parks are dotted with tent cities where children once played, migrant families sleep on sidewalks, and the elderly are kicked out of nursing homes to make room for more.

This week, Adams travels through Mexico on a hopeless PR junket to convince migrants not to come to overcrowded Gotham, while his administration begs a judge to relax the city’s once-held obligation to provide beds for the homeless.

He’s not alone.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul evoked the Statue of Liberty in 2021 to “welcome” migrants with open arms.

“We will not only house you, but we will protect you,” she assured the migrants pouring into her state.

New York City’s parks are dotted with tent cities where children once played, migrant families sleep on sidewalks, and the elderly are kicked out of nursing homes to make room for more. (Above) Migrants sleep outside NYC hotel in August 2023

Two years later, her tone has changed.

“We need to make it known that if you come to New York, you won’t have more hotel rooms. We don’t have capacity.’

Pathetic progressive poetry has given way to panic.

What cowards!

They have turned their backs on the very people they once claimed to defend, and vulnerable, poverty-stricken and likely traumatized migrants are being abandoned in a foreign land.

Who are the monsters now?

How easy it was just a few years ago for progressives to get serious about their morally superior positions. Then it was just talk.

The migrant crisis was a problem for the dusty backwaters of Texas and Arizona. No one with a job in liberal media had ever set foot in McAllen, Nogales or Del Rio, so who cares?

But it didn’t take much foresight to realize that reckless policies like Biden’s declaration that unaccompanied undocumented migrant children would be exempt from deportation would have dangerous consequences.

Not long after Joe’s March 2022 invitation to migrant children, the Border Patrol began releasing gruesome videos of three-year-olds being dropped over 15-foot-high border fences by smugglers — and left to fend for themselves.

Mr. President – ​​your cynical indulgence has encouraged this.

Last month, Biden – in all his wisdom – granted work permits to 472,000 Venezuelan nationals.

Is it any surprise that more will follow now?

Why are these liberals so willfully blind?

You see, it’s easy to be progressive and prone to harboring dreams of impossible utopias.

The migrant crisis was a problem for the dusty backwaters of Texas and Arizona. No one with a job in liberal media had ever set foot in McAllen, Nogales or Del Rio, so who cares?

But it takes courage to reflect on your actions and avoid knee-jerk, bleeding-heart responses that may not be the best solution while at the same time being labeled as xenophobes.

We have seen the disastrous results of left-wing pie-in-the-sky ideas time and time again with COVID, with crime, and with failing schools.

What the left calls compassion is often nothing more than cruel condescension.

What the left calls kindness is an in-kind contribution to the chaos.

No one feels good about turning away people who risk their lives to come to America in search of a better life. But someone has to say that our border laws must be enforced and that requires leaders to make tough decisions.

The sad truth is that millions of people are being told they can’t come to America.

Unless migrants are fleeing persecution or torture, they have no right to seek asylum in the United States. And until the asylum laws – as written by Congress – are enforced, this crisis will continue.

To be honest, I don’t have much hope. Because even as Biden reluctantly builds more walls, there’s one thing he hasn’t done.

He didn’t say, “I was wrong.”

Actions speak louder than words, and this 180-degree turnaround screams from the mountaintop that his liberal self-righteousness was nothing more than incompetent bluster.

This episode also makes it clear that we need a new president.

Someone who has the courage to take on real challenges instead of giving in to his base with fairy tales that never end well.


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