Tow truck driver branded ‘predatory’ and ‘brutal’ after sexually assaulting a woman as she tried to sell her car while out on bail for almost the same offense

Tow truck driver branded ‘predatory’ and ‘brutal’ after sexually assaulting a woman as she tried to sell her car while out on bail for almost the same offense

A predatory tow truck driver stopped short of sexually assaulting a teenager who refused to sell her car when he was bitten by her dog.

But three months later – while on bail for that attack – Irshadul Abdullah attacked a 21-year-old in almost identical circumstances.

The former teacher spontaneously stopped his tow truck outside the 18-year-old’s home on October 22, 2021 and offered to buy her car for $250.

A ‘predatory’ tow truck driver was charged with assaulting a 21-year-old woman while out on bail for assaulting a teenager three months earlier

When she declined, the 52-year-old approached and offered $350, which she declined.

Abdullah put his arms around her shoulders and told her to sell her car so she could continue to buy nice clothes.

When she stepped back, he came closer, tried to kiss her cheek and ran his hand up her thigh, to her buttocks and breasts.

The father-of-six left after being bitten by the teen’s dog but was charged and released on bail on November 12.

Two months later, he went to a 21-year-old’s home to tow her car as part of a planned sale to another person for $700.

As he handed over a receipt after negotiating the deal, Abdullah grabbed the woman and pulled her towards him, pressing his body tightly against hers, a Queensland Appeal Court ruling said.

He tightened his grip, kissing her on the cheek several times and trying to kiss her lips.

Abdullah was arrested in February 2022 and released on bail after one day.

After pleading guilty to two counts of sexual assault, he was sentenced last month to a total of 18 months behind bars, of which he was suspended after five months.

An application for leave to appeal the sentence on grounds of factual error and apparent excesses was rejected by Chief Justice Helen Bowskill on Tuesday.

The man was sentenced to two years behind bars last month after pleading guilty to two charges of sexual assault

She described Abdullah’s behavior as predatory, intimidating and completely unacceptable.

“The assault was brutal, was not transient and required some persistence on the part of the appellant as the complainant stepped away, started moving and attempted to push him away,” Chief Justice Bowskill said of the first offence.

Sexual motivation appeared to be the biggest contributor, although Abdullah claimed to show appreciation, a forensic psychologist found.

Abdullah migrated from Afghanistan with his wife and children in 2014 due to insecurity about work as a teacher and threats to his family life.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

National Sexual Abuse and Redressal Support Service 1800 211 028

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