Tourist plunges off rock face at popular Outback tourist site in WA Karijini National Park

Tourist plunges off rock face at popular Outback tourist spot: paramedics rush to scene

  • Woman fell three feet down rock cliff
  • Rescue crews called for paramedics before moving her

A woman has fallen off a rock face in a popular Western Australia national park, sparking a tricky rescue operation that lasted into the evening.

The tourist was exploring Joffre Gorge in Karijini National Park, a spectacular site filled with hiking trails, a natural amphitheater and rock pools, when she slipped around 2:15 p.m.

Fire and rescue crews from the nearby town of Tom Price rushed to the scene, but enlisted the help of specialist St. John Ambulance officers before risking moving the woman.

Woman fell at least ten feet off a cliff at Joffre Gorge in WA (pictured)

The woman suffered non-life-threatening injuries in the fall, but the delicate maneuvering to get her safely back onto the cliff face is an hours-long rescue operation.

A St. John Ambulance spokesman said the woman will be held for treatment and observation at Tom Price Hospital.

In 2020, seven-year-old Daniel Ford narrowly avoided serious head and spinal cord injuries when he fell eight feet into the same canyon during a camping trip with his mother.

He landed in the water at the bottom of the canyon and suffered no permanent injuries after being rescued.