Top 10 things you should not do at the dinner table revealed

You may have indulged in fine wine and gourmet food, but when it comes to hosting a dinner party, things can go very wrong if people’s manners are not up to par.

Now, research has revealed a definitive consensus on the dos and don’ts of a night out.

Etiquette expert Jo Bryant said: ‘A dinner party is the perfect time to relax and enjoy good company, but both guests and hosts must play their part in being considerate and well-mannered.

‘Guests should be sociable, helpful and respectful. You may vape and check your phone at the table in your own home, but this kind of behavior is on the taboo list for social gatherings elsewhere.

‘It is also important for guests to ‘read the room’ when it comes to topics of conversation.

‘While some people are comfortable talking about sex at the dinner table, it may not be the best choice of conversation for a mixed generation dinner or with those you don’t know very well’.

Research conducted by one of Australia’s largest wine exporters has shown a definitive consensus on the dos and don’ts of a night out.


  1. Ask in advance about allergies and dairy requirements, if offered
  2. Ask the host if you can bring something to the table
  3. Make sure you have interesting booze-free options, if offered
  4. Help clear plates after you’re done
  5. Take your shoes off at the front door
  6. Ask if you can help, if the host is stressed
  7. Ask people about their lives rather than waffle on about yourself
  8. Refill other people’s glasses before refilling your own
  9. Mix men and women around the table
  10. Send a thank you note to your host a few days later


1. Vape at the table

2. Smoking at the table

3. Check your phone during dinner

4. Take off your socks at the table

5. Overstay your welcome, be gone before midnight

6. Talk about religion, money or politics

7. Brag about your salary or achievements

8. Laugh or talk loudly with your mouth open

9. Post a photo of the hosts cooking on Instagram without asking

10. Reach over people

However, the research by Andrew Peace Wines found that in the right circumstances you can get away with kinky conversation, with 13 per cent of people saying sex is now acceptable dinner table conversation.

However, more than 50 percent of those surveyed said so looking at your phone during dinner is a no-no, while even more (64 percent) disapprove of vaping at the table.

And it seems the age-old adage that you shouldn’t talk about politics and money at the dinner table lives on, with more than a third of people saying it’s a no-no.

Other big red flags for dinner include pulling your socks off at the table, overstaying your welcome, and bragging about your salary.

You should also refrain from posting a photo of the host’s food on Instagram without asking their permission.

It comes after a professional butler revealed you should never open a bottle of wine brought by a dinner guest on the same night.

Daniel Prattley, from Devon, who was formerly an assistant to Joan Rivers, works for wealthy families around the world specializing in luxury villa hospitality.

Dan the Butler, as he is known, advised that if someone brings a bottle of wine as a gift to a party, it is poor etiquette to open it on the same night.

This is because it implies that you do not have enough liquor to keep your guests’ glasses full.

Talk to Insider he said: ‘Never open wine bought for you. Make sure you have not only enough wine, but non-alcoholic spirits for those who are driving, pregnant or don’t want to drink.’

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