Tom Daley’s husband Dustin Lance Black, 49, ‘twisted’ wrist of BBC presenter Teddy Edwardes at a gay bar in Soho after ‘she hit him on the back of the head’, court hears

Tom Daley’s husband twisted the wrist of a BBC presenter Teddy Edwardes after she ‘hit’ him in the back of the head, the court heard today.

Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, 49 – who will be tried at Westminster Magistrates’ Court – is charged with assaulting Miss Edwardes, 32, at West End club Freedom last summer.

Black, who married the 2017 Olympic champion diver, has denied one allegation of assault by beating Miss Edwardes on August 18 last year.

Miss Edwardes, who stars in the BBC Three show The Big Proud Party Agency, claimed the altercation took place after she asked someone to leave her table and she then “hit him on the back of the head”.

When he grabbed her wrist, a drink poured over her, the court was told.

But this morning, Black’s reps claimed that Miss Edwardes had “shouted at him and been aggressive” while going out.

Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, 49, is accused of throwing a drink in the face of Teddy Edwardes, 32, at West End club Freedom last summer

BBC Three presenter Teddy Edwardes arrives at the City of Westminster Magistrates Court this morning

BBC Three presenter Teddy Edwardes arrives at the City of Westminster Magistrates Court this morning

Black, Tom Daley's husband, was seen this morning at Westminster Magistrates Court where he is charged with assaulting a woman

Black, Tom Daley’s husband, was seen this morning at Westminster Magistrates Court where he is charged with assaulting a woman

1691506989 617 Tom Daleys husband Dustin Lance Black 49 twisted wrist of

The pair were at Freedom (pictured), a gay bar in Soho, when the alleged dispute took place

The pair were both pictured arriving outside the courtroom this morning.

Black, who married his Olympian husband in 2017, appeared to be smiling as he waved to someone, while Ms Edwardes looked at her phone as she entered.

Adrita Ahmed, public prosecutor, told the court today: “This is essentially about an altercation in a nightclub.

“The Crown’s business is that he seized and twisted Mrs Edwardes’ wrist.”

The prosecution claimed this was the cause of the booze spilling onto the BBC presenter, to which “Mrs Edwardes retaliated as a result,” the court heard.

Helena Duong, defending herself, said, “Mr. Black describes Ms. Edwardes as someone who yells at him and is aggressive.”

Ms. Duong claimed that the TV star then gestured to Black with her arms.

She referred to CCTV footage shown in court which apparently shows Miss Edwardes contacting Black as he walks away, but the video did not clarify whether there had been any contact.

Black then called the police to claim Miss Edwardes had beaten him, the court heard.

Miss Edwardes stars in the BBC Three show The Big Proud Party Agency

Miss Edwardes stars in the BBC Three show The Big Proud Party Agency

Black married Olympic diver Tom Daley in 2017 and they have two children together

Black married Olympic diver Tom Daley in 2017 and they have two children together

In an Instagram post after the incident, the model praised Daley, 29, for trying to defuse the situation

In an Instagram post after the incident, the model praised Daley, 29, for trying to defuse the situation

The trial has now been postponed to November 8 after the chief magistrate said it was ‘not the most evidentiary case’.

Paul Goldspring said the prosecution needed time to obtain a statement from the police officer who questioned Miss Edwards, but her defense argued against this.

Ms. Duong opposed the delay, adding: “I doubt it is a fair outcome for the prosecution if it goes to another day and takes another day’s court time, at a significant cost to the state treasury.”

Mr Goldspring told Black, who had traveled from LA to London for his trial, “I know it’s very frustrating that you came here expecting your trial to take place.”

The chief magistrate further asked, “Is he of good character?”

Mrs. Duong said, “He is and we have some character references.”

Mr Goldspring added: The Crown’s business is only that he grabbed the wrist and not that he threw the drink.

“It’s not the most probative case.”

In an Instagram post after the incident, the model praised Daley, 29, for trying to defuse the situation.

Black smiled as he arrived at the city's assault hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court earlier in the day

Black smiled as he arrived at the city’s assault hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court earlier in the day

In the video, she claimed that she invited Black and Mr. Daley to sit with her, but Black became upset when she asked a stranger who came to their table to get up and leave.

She said: ‘I went for a few quiet drinks with some mates last night, nothing crazy and I ran into Tom Daley and his man in Soho, who almost without provocation threw an entire drink over me in Freedom.

“I didn’t have a drink to throw back, so I chose violence, but I wasn’t that violent, he got a tap on the head.

“Tell me why he’s crying outside saying it’s a targeted attack and he’s traumatized and called the police so I have to wait for hours and now I’ve been warned and have to go in for interviews.

“For anyone asking what happened, we actually invited them where we were sitting and I bought them some drinks etc. Everything was fine.

“And then a random guy came and sat with us and my friend said they were uncomfortable because they didn’t know who it was, so I asked security if they could move them.

Miss Edwardes checked her phone when she arrived at court this morning, clutching a Gucci handbag

Miss Edwardes checked her phone when she arrived at court this morning, clutching a Gucci handbag

Black and his husband Mr Daey attended the Universal Music BRIT Awards after party in February

Black and his husband Mr Daey attended the Universal Music BRIT Awards after party in February

“Security came to move them and Tom’s husband started freaking out saying how unwelcome I had made him feel and that he was leaving so I thought okay? If that’s what you want? Then I got drink straight to the face.

“I should add that Tom Daley was nice the whole time, he was just trying to diffuse the situation.”

The Met Police had said at the time that both sides had made allegations of communal assault.

They said: ‘At 00:19 on Thursday 18 August, police were called to a licensed premises on Wardour Street after reports of an altercation between two customers.

“Agents have been present and have spoken with those involved.

“Both parties, a 48-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman, made allegations of assault.

There were no reports of injuries and no arrests. Investigations are underway.’

During Black’s court appearance earlier this year, he gave his address as Los Angeles and was released on unconditional bail until today.

In April, a Black spokesperson said the film director, who won the Oscar for best original screenplay with 2008’s Milk, was “surprised and saddened” to be charged.

Mr. Black was surprised and saddened to learn that after the other person involved in this unfortunate incident took responsibility and expressed regret for a blow to the back of Mr. Black’s head – which left him with a life-changing concussion – it was decided to now investigate the case of a spilled drink in a court of law’.

He added, “Of course, Mr. Black will respect the process and will continue to focus on being a loving father and husband in the meantime.”

Black and Mr Daly announced the birth of their second son earlier this month.

Black denies one charge of assault by hitting.