Tom Cruise almost got a broken nose after he touched sensitive spot during sex scene, Cocktail star Gina Gershon reveals

Gina Gershon told an interesting anecdote about working with Tom Cruise on the 1988 classic Cocktail. She said she almost broke his nose.

The 62-year-old had only a few small roles to her name when she was cast as photographer Coral in Cocktail, the girlfriend of Brian Flanagan (Cruise).

She was promoting her new film Borderlands on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with her co-star Cate Blanchett, when she shared a story about Cocktail.

Host Andy Cohen read a question from a viewer asking if she actually had sex with Tom Cruise during the filming of the movie.

‘Oh my God. “Do you think I would really answer that?” Gershon asked, though Andy noted, “If I had sex with Tom Cruise, I would want people to know about it.’

Gina Gershon shared an interesting anecdote about her time working with Tom Cruise on the 1988 classic Cocktail, revealing that she almost broke his nose

The 62-year-old had only a handful of small roles to her name when she was cast as photographer Coral in Cocktail, the girlfriend of Cruise's Brian Flanagan

The 62-year-old had only a handful of small roles to her name when she was cast as photographer Coral in Cocktail, the girlfriend of Cruise’s Brian Flanagan

“He had just gotten married, his wife was very much there,” Gershon said of Mimi Rogers, whom Cruise married in May 1987 but they separated in late 1989.

Gershon admitted, however, “But we did kiss as much as we could. I think we should kiss more often. My first love scene ever.”

When Cohen asked, “Did he take care of you?” she insisted that he: ““Absolutely,” she said, before telling how she almost broke his nose.

“He was even a gentleman… I told him, at one point I’m going to get under the covers and I told him I’m very ticklish, don’t ever do that. In one take I have to say, I think he wanted a reaction, he grabbed my stomach and I kneed him right in the nose,” she said.

“I thought, ‘Oh my God, I just broke Tom Cruise’s nose.’ He said, ‘No, you told me. I’m so sorry, no, it’s my fault.’ He was protective of me. It was amazing,” she said.

Cocktail was about Cruise’s Brian Flanagan, who just got out of the army and wants to start his own business… and ends up working as a bartender in Manhattan.

After discovering that his business partner Doug (Bryan Brown) has slept with his girlfriend Coral (Gershon), the bartender heads to Jamaica, where he meets Jordan (Elisabeth Shue).

Although the film was panned by critics, it grossed $78.2 million in the U.S. ($207.6 million in 2024 dollars after adjusting for inflation) and $171.5 million worldwide ($455.4 million in 2024 dollars after adjusting for inflation), placing it ninth on the year-end top 10 lists.

“He had just gotten married, his wife was very much there,” Gershon said of Mimi Rogers, whom Cruise married in May 1987 before they split in late 1989.

“He had just gotten married, his wife was very much there,” Gershon said of Mimi Rogers, whom Cruise married in May 1987 before they split in late 1989.

Gershon admitted,

Gershon admitted, “But we did kiss as much as we could. I think we should kiss more often. My first love scene ever.”

When Cohen asked,

When Cohen asked, “Did he take care of you?” she insisted that he “absolutely” did, before telling the story of how she nearly broke his nose

1723117251 843 Tom Cruise almost got a broken nose after he touched

“He was even a gentleman… I told him, at one point I start under the covers and I told him I’m very ticklish, never do that. In one take I have to say, I think he wanted a reaction, he grabbed my stomach and I kneed him right in the nose,” she said

Gershon plays Tannis in Borderlands, based on the hit video game series that grossed over $1 billion in revenue and is one of the best-selling franchises in gaming history.

The film also stars Kevin Hart, Jamie Lee Curtis, Edgar Ramirez, Florian Munteanu, Arianna Greenblatt and Janina Gavankar, with Jack Black as the voice of Claptrap.

Gershon will soon be seen in The Trainer, starring Paris Hilton, Bella Thorne, Lenny Kravitz, Gavin Rossdale, Stephen Dorff and Julia Fox.

She is also developing Cash Out 2, starring John Travolta and Lukas Haas.