Titanic child star reveals exactly how much he’s made from being an extra in the blockbuster (and he still gets residuals 25 years later!)

A former child actor who had a small role in Titanic has revealed he still receives royalties for his role in the classic film, which was released 25 years ago.

Reece Thompson, 32, starred in James Cameron’s 1997 film when he was just five years old.

The US-born actor was given the choice of playing a small role in a film or starring in an advertisement or commercial for gasoline.

Her mother thought the chance to be in a movie would be “cool,” and it seems her intuition paid off.

Thompson was cast as the “little Irish boy” in Titanic, who, along with his sister and mother, meets a tragic end when the ship sinks.

Reece Thompson, 32, is still profiting financially from his brief role at age five in James Cameron’s 1997 classic Titanic

Despite his small role, Thompson’s character made a lasting impression on audiences around the world.

Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, became one of the most successful films in history and continues to be a major contributor to Thompson’s income.

Although his role consisted of only three scenes and he only once asked his mother, “What are we doing, Mom?”, he continues to receive payments.

“It’s weird because it’s not on my mind anymore,” Thompson said Business insider“It’s not like, ‘Oh, when am I going to get another Titanic check?’ When it happens, it’s like, ‘Oh, cool, an extra $100.'”

Over the years, Thompson has earned around $30,000 (£24,000) from his performance in Titanic.

Initially, the residual checks were more substantial, especially during the peak of the film’s popularity after its release.

Nowadays he typically receives a few hundred dollars a year, but sometimes the checks are larger.

Thompson was cast as the ‘little Irish boy’ in Titanic, who, along with his sister and mother, meets a tragic end when the ship sinks

Although his role consisted of only three scenes and he only once asked his mother on screen, “What are we doing, Mom?”, he still continues to receive residual payments

He noted, “There have been a few times where it’s been, ‘Oh, wow, that’s a check for $250. This movie is 12 years old. That’s pretty crazy.'”

What Thompson earns isn’t nearly enough to live on, but it’s always a pleasant surprise when it comes in.

He currently works as a marketing director for a ski and snowboard resort in Utah, a job that pays much better than his occasional side jobs.

Although Thompson doesn’t remember much about his time on the set of Titanic, he does remember how difficult it was to master his character’s Irish accent.

Thanks to his named role, he continues to receive bonuses, unlike extras who do not benefit from such payments.

The child actor’s experience shows how much impact even a small role in a blockbuster can have in the long run. It proves that sometimes the smallest roles can yield the biggest surprises.

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