These tipsy texters surely wish they’d left their phone at home after having one too many

After a drink or two, perhaps one of the worst things you can do is pick up the phone and start texting.

But it seems some people didn’t listen to the advice, as evidenced by these funny and very awkward text messages.

As seen in the British magazine Closerpeople from across the UK have taken to the internet to reveal the shocking consequences that followed them after drinking and texting.

From cute and innocent to embarrassing and downright horrifying, these lyrics will have you rolling with laughter uncontrollably.

In a soul-destroying altercation, an anonymous individual messaged a friend to say they were so drunk they were going crazy, only to discover they had texted the wrong number.

Drunk Fail! This person seemed to get so drunk that he ended up supporting the wrong rugby team

Elsewhere, a drunken mother made a shocking confession to her daughter. We’re not sure how that went the next morning.

Meanwhile, things got so bad for one person that he forgot his country of origin while watching an international rugby match.

Here, FEMAIL reveals a selection of the funniest text exchanges.

Shocking!  A mother said to her daughter during her drunken state: 'I'm so glad I decided to keep you'

Shocking! A mother said to her daughter during her drunken state: ‘I’m so glad I decided to keep you’

Uncomfortable!  Another mom — not once, but twice — ended up texting her daughter to ask her to find her vibrator

Uncomfortable! Another mom — not once, but twice — ended up texting her daughter to ask her to find her vibrator

Over the limit!  One social user drunkenly started a very confusing conversation with himself

Over the limit! One social user drunkenly started a very confusing conversation with himself

In this soul-destroying exchange, an anonymous individual messaged a friend to say they were so drunk they were going crazy, only to discover they had texted the wrong number

In this soul-destroying exchange, an anonymous individual messaged a friend to say they were so drunk they were going crazy, only to discover they had texted the wrong number

Once you've had a drink or two over your limit, perhaps the worst thing you can do is pick up the phone and start texting

Once you’ve had a drink or two over your limit, perhaps the worst thing you can do is pick up the phone and start texting

Amnesia!  This Social User Hilariously Texted the Same Thing to a Friend Twice After Presumably Forgetting They'd Just Texted Him the Exact Same Thing

Amnesia! This Social User Hilariously Texted the Same Thing to a Friend Twice After Presumably Forgetting They’d Just Texted Him the Exact Same Thing

We're often told not to drink and text, and this is more than enough evidence to prove why

We’re often told not to drink and text, and this is more than enough evidence to prove why

From embarrassing to horrifying: these lyrics will make you roll with laughter uncontrollably

From embarrassing to horrifying: these lyrics will make you roll with laughter uncontrollably