Kids play centre removes ‘sexist’ sign in boys bathroom after complaint – but some claim the issue has been blown out of proportion

A childcare center has removed a ‘sexist’ sign from the boys’ bathroom after a complaint from a parent, but the manager insists it was just a ‘bit of fun’ and children wouldn’t understand.

Brisbane dance and play center Tiddlywinks on Thursday removed a sign from its boys’ toilets that was deemed “highly inappropriate” by some parents.

Someone who was downtown for his niece’s birthday party noticed the sign that had tips on how to “please a woman” and a much smaller section on how to please men.

The sign said that women needed men to ‘love’ them, ‘die for’ them and ‘be interested in them’, while men were simply happy with women if they ‘showed up naked’ and ‘brought beer’.

The disgruntled uncle sent an email to management demanding the sign be removed from a bathroom used primarily by “boys aged five to 12.”

After other parents sent their own follow-up emails, the center’s manager said these were the first complaints he had received in the center’s fifteen years of operation.

An angry uncle complained to management at Brisbane’s Tiddlywinks Dance and Play center about a sign he found sexist in the boys’ bathroom

The business owner explained that the center opened in the evening for adult events and that children would not understand the context of the poster.

“A child may be able to read it, but have no idea of ​​the meaning,” according to a screenshot seen by Yahoo News reading from the manager.

‘I am aware of the sign, consider it gone. We are open to adults in the evenings and it’s just fun, we didn’t mean to offend anyone.”

Photos of the sign eventually ended up online, where it received even more comments from other parents who said they found it “gross,” “creepy” and inappropriate.

Some complained that it sent the wrong message to impressionable boys that women were objects.

This is bulls**t messaging for young men. Pull it down and put it in the trash where it belongs,” one person said.

‘To be honest, creepily inappropriate for any bathroom. This kind of backward thinking really can’t be considered acceptable anymore,” another added.

The manager of Tiddlywinks took the sign down on Thursday after a wave of complaints, but insisted it was just a ‘bit of fun’ for the adults who could understand it

However, others claimed that the only offensive thing about the sign was its numerous fonts, especially the last line in the women’s section, which is inexplicably different from the rest.

‘Who thought those three different fonts were a good idea…you’re wrong! Bad choice,” one man wrote.

However, others saw the joke and even agreed with the stereotyping.

‘[I don’t know] man, I think DYING is a little above average for her. The rest is just kind of basic stuff though,” another added.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted the Tiddlywinks Dance and Play center for comment.

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