Thriving among data chaos: A CDO’s framework for success

Chief Data Officers (CDOs) are under enormous pressure to deliver data-driven results in an increasingly complex and competitive landscape. To succeed, the Chief Data Officer must be more than just a technologist; they must be a visionary leader and change agent who puts data at the heart of any digital transformation initiative. This sounds like a huge task. So, what’s the path to glory for CDOs?

Playing the Moneyball corner

Doors open when CDOs can show a business leader that a data asset is underutilized or incompletely understood. In the famous book and Hollywood movie “Moneyball,” the Oakland A’s, a down-and-out Major League baseball team, had to build a competitive team of players without All-Star caliber talent. The team hired a quantitative analyst who built a system to find undervalued players with hidden talent using data and spreadsheet software, helping the team vastly exceed expectations with the lowest payroll in the league.

Like the baseball club in Moneyball, companies want to put an end to the old habit of gut feelings and biased decision-making. Companies hire CDOs because they recognize the immense, yet unrealized potential of their data. The main responsibility of newly hired CDOs is to revive these dormant opportunities. They unlock the power of data and, most importantly, they demonstrate the enormous potential value of information within a company. Business leaders know the power of data, but many struggle to understand how transformative it can become. CDOs must show them.

The Chief Data Officer must discover that competitive advantage. That’s why CDOs must take a business-first approach to data. In other words, data projects are directly linked to strategic and value-creating initiatives. For example, data adds value by improving customer satisfaction, identifying new revenue streams, finding new ways to automate, or even identifying fraud patterns.

Manish Sood

Founder and CEO of Reltio.

Bringing together customer, product and supplier data

While changing the mindset of business and technology leaders about the value of data is critical, a significant challenge remains for CDOs: how to best manage and leverage siled, fragmented data across the organization. Data fragmentation often stems from the way departments and systems operate independently, creating disjointed data governance and governance. CDOs must break down these data silos to enable a holistic, data-driven approach to decision-making and digital transformation.

CDOs can struggle to create a unified view of the critical and varied data domains that power the business, such as customer, product and supplier data. These domains are essential to understanding an organization’s activities, market position and growth opportunities. However, this data is often very isolated and difficult to work with.

To overcome this challenge, CDOs must prioritize a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) data integration and management approach. Rather than trying to boil the ocean by tackling all the data silos at once, CDOs should focus on the most critical data friction points that are holding back progress. By focusing on specific data domains and working to de-silo and harmonize the data within them, CDOs can create a solid foundation for data-driven decision-making and gradually expand their efforts to encompass the entire organization.

However, the transition from concept to action is not without obstacles. CDOs face resistance from stakeholders who may be reluctant to change their data management practices or share their data across the organization. Additionally, outdated systems, incompatible data formats and a lack of standardization can further complicate the data integration process. To succeed, CDOs must develop strong leadership skills, foster a data-driven culture, and work closely with IT teams and business leaders to ensure their initiatives align with the company’s overall strategy and objectives.

Orchestrating the flow of trusted, interoperable business data

CDOs must ensure that the resulting data pipelines are reliable, secure, and accessible to cross-functional data consumers. The technological background that a CDO brings should not be overlooked. Their expertise extends across vital functions such as AI implementation, architecture planning and information security; standout CDOs stand out for having depth in multiple specialties – whether master data consolidation, predictive analytics or IoT infrastructure. The role involves the interplay between leading data unification and management technologies and governance to drive enterprise-wide data products.

Furthermore, successful CDOs act as orchestrators that ensure reliable data pipelines – so that clean, connected, accurate, and reliable data from myriad sources can flow securely – and in many cases in real time – into the hands of cross-functional data consumers.

The CDO as a strategic influencer

As we have seen, the role of the CDO requires a unique combination of strategic vision, leadership skills, technological knowledge and the ability to drive organizational change.

This is being tested as AI is becoming increasingly important to organizations who see that the need for clean, reliable and compatible data has never been greater. A company’s data quality – and its employees’ understanding of the role of data in its success – is as fundamental to a company as product quality, marketing and sales effectiveness, financial discipline and leadership.

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