Thousands are playing’s brand new FREE puzzles just days after launch – and they’ve found one addictive favorite they just can’t stop playing… so have YOU joined the fun?

  • readers have landed on America’s largest FREE puzzle site
  • GuessWord, MasterQuiz, Quick Crossword and Word Wheel are favorites
  • Click HERE to go to the page on your smartphone, tablet or web browser

Thousands of readers are playing’s brand new FREE puzzle page – and quickly found some addictive favorites that they just can’t stop!

The new section is America’s biggest and best puzzle page, and it’s completely free – with a dizzying array of crosswords, number games, quizzes and teasers.

And more than any other, players have become addicted to GuessWord – the brilliant twist on America’s favorite five-letter guessing game.

More than half of players who started playing GuessWord on a given day eventually completed it, the data showed.

But be warned, you will be timed. Through the leaderboards, players chart their performance in a race to find the mysterious word in record time.’s new puzzle page is accessible via web browsers on smartphones, tablets and desktops and offers crosswords, number games, quizzes and teasers

GuessWord puts a twist on the famous five-letter guessing game, but offers players one letter that appears once in the word, so they can't start every game with the same word

GuessWord puts a twist on the famous five-letter guessing game, but offers players one letter that appears once in the word, so they can’t start every game with the same word

The second most popular in the section is MasterQuiz – a quick six-round multiple-choice quiz that tests you not only on your general, historical and scientific knowledge, but also on how well you’ve kept up with the news.

Word games have proven to be a success – Word Wheel, Quick Crossword and Mail’s own MailWord also feature in the rankings.

Thousands are playing DailyMailcoms brand new FREE puzzles just days

Players can choose from dozens of other types of daily puzzles and thousands more later in the archive, accessible on your smartphone, tablet and desktop web browser.

And unlike our rivals, there are no subscriptions – and no catches! Those who feel more comfortable with numbers than words can choose from a range of classic Japanese number puzzles, including Futoshiki, Hidato, KenKen, Suguru and Suko.

Meanwhile, Sudoku Ultra is the most user-friendly application of the classic numbers game, allowing players to enter possible values ​​into any empty box and easily delete them once a final selection has been made.

Brain training exercises allow readers to work on their critical thinking skills, while various quizzes test their general knowledge.

MasterQuiz not only tests you on your general, historical and scientific knowledge, but also on how well you have kept up with the news

MasterQuiz not only tests you on your general, historical and scientific knowledge, but also on how well you have kept up with the news

Ny Breaking’s GuessWord is unique in that it gives players six chances to find a five-letter word, discovering which letters and where they appear along the way.

Contrary to popular interpretations of the game, players are given a single letter at the very beginning that appears once in the mystery word.

If they know the letter appears at least once, they don’t have to enter a random word to start the game.

Try our new puzzles today by clicking HERE or visiting on any device.