This smart mattress uses AI to adjust your sleep configuration and alert users to potential health issues

What if you could combine your best mattress with your sleep tracker? And what if you could combine that with an AI assistant, and perhaps also an AI doctor? That was probably the thinking behind the DeRUCCI T11 Pro Smart Mattress. Honored with an Innovation Award at CES 2024, this smart mattress is so feature-packed that it’s hard to imagine it also provides a comfortable night’s sleep.

Perhaps the most exciting feature of the DeRUCCI T11 is its diagnostic capabilities. The DeRUCCI analyzes your sleep habits, in addition to your geographical location, age and all relevant information from connected smart devices, to provide AI-generated alerts about potential chronic health conditions. However, DeRUCCI doesn’t provide much information about how it will reach these conclusions, nor about the type of condition it might diagnose. While I assume it will mainly be limited to sleep disorders, there is a chance that this mattress can give you a complete health overview.

I must admit that I am wary of the diagnostic possibilities. While I would trust a smart mattress to alert me to sleep problems, other health issues seem to fall outside the diagnostic realm. And while sleep plays a key role in well-being, a mattress cannot replace a doctor.

A DeRUCCI T11 Pro Smart Mattress in a bedroom, connected to smart lighting and air conditioning

(Image credit: DeRUCCI)

The diagnostic claims may raise my eyebrows, but the rest of the design simply piques my interest. There are 23 AI sensors in the DeRUCCI T11, which monitor your sleep to deliver results in real time as well as the next morning. While you sleep, the sensors adjust the bed through a series of airbags and supporting materials. It sounds strange, but it essentially means that the mattress can move underneath you to comfortably adjust to your sleeping position. And when you wake up, the AI ​​will give you a detailed report on how you slept, plus practical advice for the next night.

A man lying on the DeRUCCI T11 Pro Smart Mattress, above him is a series of projections showing health information

(Image credit: DeRUCCI)

It’s not just the mattress itself that the AI ​​can control. The DeRUCCI T11 can sync with other IoT smart home devices to adjust lighting, room temperature, and even change the scent of your bedroom (if you have a smart diffuser, that is).

Wherever you end up on a diagnostic mattress, you can only try it out in China at the moment. The DeRUCCI T11 smart mattress won’t hit the US market until July 2024. On the plus side, that gives you plenty of time to start saving – the prize costs $8,250.

An image of a woman lying on the DeRUCCI T11 Pro Smart Mattress, with images showing how the mattress would adapt to her sleeping position by adjusting the inner materials

(Image credit: DeRUCCI)

The high price tag isn’t exactly a surprise (the Eight Sleep Pod 3 Cover costs $2,195 for a queen, and has significantly fewer features), and with the amount of features packed into the mattress, it’s hard to imagine that this one wouldn’t be a great one. quality will result. high-quality performance. Still, that’s a high price, and if you don’t already have a smart home, you’re losing a significant amount of opportunity. But if you want a mattress that can adjust comfort as you sleep and possibly provide chronic health alerts in the morning, it might be worth the investment.