‘This link works’: Biden cashes in on Ron DeSantis’ shambolic 2024 campaign launch

‘This link works’: Biden mocks Ron DeSantis’ chaotic launch of Twitter Spaces 2024 by sharing a tweet to donate to his campaign

  • DeSantis’ campaign launch talk was plagued with glitches
  • Biden’s camp tweeted a fundraising link as the conversation broke down
  • ‘We are melting down the servers’

President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign tried to cash in on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign tech nightmare launch on Twitter by directing people to donate to his own campaign.

Biden’s campaign used the same platform to solicit contributions at 6:16 p.m. Wednesday night, as Twitter head Elon Musk and his team described the chaotic launch conversation as it unfolded.

‘Sorry about that. We’re melting the servers a bit,” were the first lines of the chat on Twitter Spaces, which was moderated by tech entrepreneur David Sacks and joined by Musk.

“This link works,” Biden wrote on the platform. The tweet was linked to an image of a smiling Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and a donation page.

The page allowed visitors to click a link to donate amounts ranging from $10 to $2,000 — in a campaign that sees Biden aiming to surpass his own $1 billion fundraising for his efforts in 2020.

The Biden tweet came out when it was not yet known that the online conversation would continue at all.

Launch Fail: DeSantis’s online chat the day he made his presidential campaign official had a series of technical issues. President Biden tried to cash in on a tweet saying ‘this link works’

President Joe Biden tried to raise campaign money from DeSantis’ early troubles online

DeSantis’ main GOP rival, former President Donald Trump, joined in the mockery for the mishap.

‘”Rob”, my red button is bigger, better, stronger and works (TRUTH!), yours isn’t! (According to my conversation with Kim Jung Un, from North Korea, soon to be my friend!).’

Trump had previously inexplicably referenced “Rob DeSanctimonious” in a morning tweet. He was referring to the period when he exchanged angry threats with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un before the two finally met during his presidency.

People who tried to submit heard long silences interspersed with comments, not on DeSantis’ bid to become the third-youngest president in American history, but on the snafu.

‘Let’s see, here we go… Keep crashing huh? I think we also just have a huge number of people online,” the banter went on.

When the chat finally got going, Sacks said, “Thanks for putting up with these technical issues, we sure are breaking new ground here.” To my knowledge, no major presidential candidate has ever announced his candidacy on social media in this way.”

DeSantis’ own team soon sprang into action, trying to cash in on their own technical issues.

“Looks like we broke the internet with so much excitement… While you wait, donate NOW,” @TeamDeSantis tweeted.

However, a user who clicked the Rondestantis.com link at 6:45 PM found that it didn’t work, bringing only a black screen with a small image in the center.

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