Asking AI for cooking advice is nothing new. Most ads for services like ChatGPT, Meta AI, Gemini and the rest feature a user asking for help planning their meals – requesting plans for a week or finding recipes with ingredients in the refrigerator. But Brisk It takes things to the next level with Vera, an AI that can actually cook for you.
You can also contact Vera for general recipe advice. According to Brisk It, it can respond to questions like “I’m allergic to bell peppers, make a spicy chicken wing casserole” and “What can I make with leftover ground beef, cilantro, nachos, shrimp, and Gouda cheese?” using the large bank of prescription data.
But where it will really stand out is its cooking prowess and the ability to respond to prompts like “Grill a medium-rare rib-eye steak” and “Smoke a roasted prime rib and a whole chicken at the same time for 15 people.” ‘ by adjusting your grill’s temperature settings and requesting ingredients.
Before you get too excited, it doesn’t work on every grill. Specifically, Vera is compatible with Brisk It’s Origin 580 and Origin 940 Smart Grills.
In addition to simply following recipes, Brisk It adds that Vera can respond to your cooking choices and mistakes in real time. That means it can apparently adjust its cooking settings to handle different situations “to ensure the food comes out top quality.” Suppose you forget to turn your steak, or you don’t remove a finished dish from the grill.
It’s clearly worth taking some of these bold claims with a grain of salt.
AI can make mistakes, and we suspect Vera is not immune to hallucinations – the technical term for when AI does things wrong or makes up answers. While we can’t prove its overall cooking qualities without trying Vera firsthand, we suspect the best results still require a lot of human involvement.