This $18 Dragon Age comic bundle contains the perfect introduction to The Veilguard

Has it been a while since you last entered the realm of Thedas? You’re not alone. A way to prepare for the launch of Dragon Age: The Veil Guard The intention is to pick up this bundle of comics on October 31st Humble. It offers an $18 bundle of 18 volumes based on the worlds of Dragon Age – oh, and Mass Effect too. Each of these beautifully illustrated volumes provides impressive insight into the settings and details character backstories.

I consider all of these volumes essential reading for fans of both franchises, as well as those about to jump in The Veil Guard, Dragon Age: The Missing should be your first stop if you’re looking for a better idea of ​​how the realms of Thedas have changed. It takes place shortly before the events of the upcoming game and informs you about the current world state and factions of Dragon Age. Additionally, it features appearances from companions Lace Harding and Neve Gallus.

Next to The missingThis collection contains the following volumes published by Dark Horse Books.

Humble always sends a portion of every bundle sale to a nonprofit. In this case, your purchase supports the Children’s play charitya foundation working to improve the lives of pediatric hospital patients through therapeutic gaming. Remember, you can always use the ‘Adjust donation’ drop-down menu to fine-tune how much goes to the publisher, charity or Humble.