This 16-inch laptop with a hot-swappable graphics card could be the best gaming laptop I’ve ever seen

Framework has revealed a wealth of new information regarding its upcoming 16-inch laptop, and I’m absolutely pumped. If you haven’t heard of Framework, go and read my glowing review of the Framework Laptop Chromebook Edition right now. Go on, I’ll wait. This is important.

Okay, fine – if you actually did go and read the review, you can skip this paragraph; otherwise, here are the CliffsNotes. Framework is a laptop manufacturer founded in California in 2020, which strives to make a more repairable, sustainable brand of computer hardware. Framework laptops offer a nigh-unparalleled degree of hardware customization and user-repairability, setting them in stark contrast to the likes of Apple’s MacBooks.

The new 16-inch Framework Laptop.

I’ll admit that Framework’s laptops aren’t the most aesthetically sharp, but this is definitely a case of function before form – and that’s a good thing. (Image credit: Framework)

Until now, though, Framework fans have been limited to the standard 13.5-inch models. That’s all about to change, though. The company has had a larger laptop with a 16-inch display in the works for a while now and has finally given us an in-depth look at what this new laptop will include.