Things to Consider Before Getting A New Puppy- Pets Best

Welcoming a new furry family member into your home, especially when it’s a playful, endearing puppy, is an exciting adventure. However, first-time dog owners can often find themselves grappling with countless questions and a sense of uncertainty. This guide is designed to provide professional yet easy-to-understand advice for those embarking on the journey of getting a new puppy for the first time. We will take you through each step, from acquiring your new companion, to preparing your home, establishing a healthy routine, and much more.

How to Actually Get a Dog: Breeders, Rescue, Online

There are several avenues to acquire your new furry friend – through breeders, rescue organizations, or online platforms. Each method has its pros and cons.

Breeders can offer the certainty of specific breed traits and the possibility of obtaining health history and temperament information. However, buying from a breeder can be costly, and it’s crucial to find a reputable one to avoid supporting unethical breeding practices.

Rescue organizations are a wonderful place to find your new companion. Not only are you giving a dog a second chance, but the costs are often less than buying a puppy. However, sometimes the dog’s history might not be fully known, which could pose behavioral or health challenges.

Online platforms may offer convenience, but they can also be a breeding ground for scams and puppy mills. If you choose to go online, do your research, avoid impulsive buying, and try to meet the dog and the seller in person before completing the purchase.

Preparing for Your New Dog

Before your new companion steps paw into your home, you’ll need to make some preparations:

  • Pre-Puppy Checklist: Essentials include food and water bowls, high-quality puppy food, a comfortable bed, chew toys, grooming supplies, a collar and leash, and a crate or carrier. Don’t forget to purchase an ID tag with your contact details, too.
  • Puppy-Proofing Your Home: Ensure cleaning products, electrical cables, blind cords, plants, and small items are out of reach. Install baby gates to block off areas if needed, and consider investing in bitter-tasting sprays to deter chewing on furniture.

Bringing a Dog Home for the First Time

The first days with your new pet can shape your relationship. Be patient and allow your pup to acclimate to its new environment. Create a comfortable space where they can rest and feel secure. Establish a consistent daily routine for feeding, walking, and playtime to provide stability.

Puppy Health Essentials

A healthy puppy is a happy puppy. Here are a few key elements:

  • Nutrition: Puppies need food designed for their unique nutritional needs. Large breed puppies require specialized diets to support their rapid growth. Always consult with your vet for personalized advice.
  • Feeding Schedules: Puppies should eat three to four times a day. Regular feeding times can also aid in house training.
  • Exercise: Regular walks and playtime are crucial for their physical health and mental stimulation. For enhanced control and safety, it’s wise to use a comfortable, well-fitted dog harness. A harness offers you superior management of your dog’s movements, bypassing undue pressure on their neck. This is especially advantageous for dogs that have a tendency to pull or get overly excited.
  • Dental Care: Start dental care early to prevent future oral issues. Use puppy-safe toothpaste and brushes.
  • Veterinary and Grooming Services: Locate a reputable vet in your area and schedule an initial check-up. Regular grooming, even for short-haired breeds, is also essential for your puppy’s health.

Puppy School and Socialization

Enrolling your pup in a school can provide essential training and socialization opportunities. Look for schools that emphasize positive reinforcement methods. Expose your puppy to a variety of experiences, people, and other animals to help them become a well-adjusted adult dog.

Getting Ready for the Dog Park

Dog parks offer excellent socialization opportunities but come with etiquette rules and safety considerations. Before venturing out to the dog park, ensure your pup is up-to-date on vaccinations and is reliably responsive to basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’. Start by visiting during off-peak hours, and always keep an eye on your dog’s behavior.

Remember, not every dog enjoys the dog park, and that’s okay. There are many other ways to provide exercise and socialization.

Learning to Leave Your Dog Alone

Teaching your dog to be comfortable when alone is crucial in preventing separation anxiety. Start by leaving your dog alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration. Create a safe, comfortable space for them to relax in your absence, and consider leaving them with engaging toys to keep them occupied.


Becoming a new dog owner is a wonderful journey filled with joy, challenges, and priceless moments. Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, consistent, and loving in your approach, and you’ll have a loyal companion for life.

In this guide, we’ve covered the basics, but don’t hesitate to seek advice from professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, or experienced dog owners. They can provide a wealth of knowledge tailored to your specific situation. Happy ‘paw’renting!

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