These are the 16 questions to ask in your relationships to become closer, according to a psychologist

A psychologist has revealed how it is possible to build a close bond with anyone by asking them 16 questions that spark meaningful conversations.

Dr. Nicole LePerafrom Philadelphia, has gained over 7.2 million followers thanks to her work on healing your inner self and understanding why emotional intimacy is so important.

She recently explained that close relationships don’t just happen; they are the result of a strong foundation, built on curiosity, understanding and vulnerability.

“If you want a close relationship with someone, you have to be interested in him or her as a person,” she said.

Dr. LePera shared several questions that focused on the key areas of “feeling,” “interest,” “future,” and “play.”

Dr. Nicole LePera (pictured) has gained over 7.2 million followers through her work on healing your inner self and understanding emotional intimacy

“It’s built on curiosity,” she said. ‘By asking questions, not judging, and showing the other person that you are safe and can be trusted.’

Some “feeling questions” include: “When was the last time you felt excited or inspired?” and, ‘Where do you feel most peaceful?’

Dr. LePera also noted the importance of focusing on the other person when asking them the questions.

‘Don’t talk about yourself. Don’t intervene, don’t joke or judge what they say. Let it be airy and open. Come from a place where you really know who they are,” she advised.

An example of an ‘interest’ question is: ‘What have you learned about yourself recently?’ While a “future” question asks them to think about their next steps, such as, “What do you want more of in your life?”

Having deep conversations may not come naturally to everyone, but it’s important to continue, and these questions are an excellent way to start a discussion.

‘It can be very difficult to ask these questions, especially if you grew up in a family where these things weren’t really talked about and people didn’t show much interest in (other) people’s emotions, thoughts or passions. .’

What questions promote emotional intimacy between two people?

Feeling questions:

1. When was the last time you felt excited or inspired?

2. When was the last time you felt heard or understood?

3. Where do you feel most peaceful?

4. When do you feel most connected to me?

Interest questions:

1. What are you really interested in right now?

2. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in the past month?

3. What have you learned about yourself recently?

4. What do you remember enjoying doing as a child?

Future questions:

1. What are you working towards now?

2. What part of your life do you think will look most different in five years?

3. What do you want more of in your life?

4. Are you satisfied now?

Play questions:

1. If you had to watch one movie ten times, which would it be?

2. What is something new you want to try together?

3. What new hobby do you want to try, but don’t know where to start?

4. What is your perfect lazy Sunday?

Source: Dr. Nicole LePera

Many thanked Dr. LePera for her advice and shared their own experiences with emotional intimacy.

“I don’t remember ever having this, but it’s something I long for,” one woman said. “It’s something that’s been on my mind lately, and I’m longing to be seen and heard.”

“I stopped dating a man who wasn’t curious about me as a person,” said another.

“This is what people need to learn on dates and dating apps – it’s the essence of creating a deep connection,” one woman added.

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